Friday, February 29, 2008

Friday, It's Friday!

I am so glad today is Friday. Only one more gruelling day of work left and hopefully I will have put in enough hours to make my 35 and cover off the time I took off for the pediatrician appt on Tuesday and therapy of Wednesday afternoon.

I really am thankful that my supervisor and employer are so flexible.

Let's see. Today I am thankful for so many things. I don't think I'm really pissed off about anything.

We'll see how the day goes. If you haven't already head over to The Pioneer Woman Cooks Herefor her yummy dumpling recipe. It is THE DEVIL.


Thursday, February 28, 2008

Cast of Characters - My peeps

So I thought I would take a moment to introduce a few of my friends:

The Dutchess - She and I worked together for a few years in the late 90s and hit it off and have been friends ever since. I am the godmother to her two girls who are just amazing. For the last 5 years she has been living in a different city about 2 hours away (1 hr 45 mins if your lucky). We have many interests in common and are the same age almost exactly. We are 4 days apart (she is older of course, it is one of the only things I have to hang over her). We talk as often as we can and email always to keep in touch. She is my counsellor and confidant and has seen me through a separation, reconciliation, separation and divorce.

Ms. Missy: Ms. Missy and I also met at work in the late 90s and have become closer and closer over the years. I quite enjoy her company as she is always cheerful and positive. More recently she has become someone I turn to on a regular basis as we are often on the same wave length on a variety of issues. She is also my supplier of children's hang me downs as her kids are a few years older than mine. She is one year younger than me.

Nurse K: Well I can hardly call her a nurse anymore, she has completed a B SC. and has held several administration positions in her area of expertise. Nurse K and I went to high school together. She has been there for me through thick and thin. I really can't explain in words how much she means to me. She has proven the true meaning of friendship with me and I will be forever grateful to her. I am also godmother to her fourth child. (yes she stopped at 4) She amazes me with everything she can get done in a day,week,year. Nurse K and I don't see each other as much as we would like to. I think we are at 2 times a year. But we try hard and acknowledge the big things when they come along.

My sissy: My sister she bears repeating, we have had our ups and downs but I really don't know what I would do without her.

These are my closest and dearest friends. The circle is ever expanding. But I count on these guys to keep me sane and balanced.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Diet Good - Cinnamon Buns BAD!

Well after my weekend of not eating properly and not enough exercise. I have to say I didn't fair out too bad. I managed to maintain and not gain anything. So, for now that works for me, but time to jump back on the wagon.

So we have a Tuna wrap for lunch with a hard boiled egg. Some yogurt and grapes for snack one and some cottage cheese and strawberries for snack two.

Tonight for dinner we will be having some kind of turkey meatballs and spagetti as Bugaloo and I are off to yoga. OMMMMM...

So all in all the cinnamon buns were DELICIOUS, but I did feel like crap and I should have gotten more exercise and I'm glad I was not punished by gaining a few pounds.

I will vow to make some better choices next time.

I have a few workshops dates for my side business and I managed to pull a "high meets expectations" for a performance evaluation at work. ( I could be very sarcastic here) but I will learn from others and not blog about work, since I can't afford to get fired for it.

I have started my book The Life Organizer
So far I am through the first chapter and am in agreement with the basic principal that sometime you just need to take a breath, slow down and ask yourself what is the most important thing you need to do right now. You usually have the right answer.

Enjoy the day! I will it is sunny and crisp. It looks great from my window of my nice cozy warm house. Off to work for a half day and then therapy for Bugaloo this aft.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Block

Oh No I've got it! I really don't know what to post about today!

I seem to be scrambling a little bit. but isn't that always the way when you are away for a few days. I still need to load my photos from the weekend, which are mostly of my friends and not of any of the creative activity that went on, maybe I will have a chance to photograph some of my work tonight.

I have meetings up the hi-wa-zoo this week so the blog may be a little lame and a little short this week.

I have a massage tonight, which I am hoping will restore my brain, since its been running trying to remember everything I have to do this week. then we have our finance guy coming over to talk about RRSP room. Tomorrow we have therapy and YOGA. Thursday I have school council meeting and Friday so far no plans! Thank Goodness!

I have my FAT club weigh in today. We will see how much I have to pay for my cinnamon bun transgressions over the weekend. As long as I haven't gained back all 3.5 pounds I will be okay with the results.

When I look back, I did eat alot of carbs, but I tried to balance that with Fruit at every meal and the only junk I had was 3 cinnamon buns (big ones) so maybe, just maybe, I didn't gain anything. Wouldn't that be awesome.

So I guess I am not that stuck after all.

Now I must go update my business websitehere because I feel the motivation to give it another go. I have helped alot of people preserve their memories and precious photos and somehow I feel stronger that this work is not done.

Have a great day!

Monday, February 25, 2008


What a weekend!

I had fun kicking back with the girls! I am tired we scrapped like crazy! I was working on my year in review books and it was weird this weekend I was definately drawn to over simplify my page layouts All my pages we very similar and very linear, very simple. If I get a chance tonight and survive the chaos of being home again I will load some photos for you.

We played some practical jokes and made some silly pages, but most of all just had time to reconnect and grow our friendships. Nothing wrong with that.

But now I am just overwhlemed with picking up the pace again and getting everyone ready for school and work today.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Organize om....

What a morning. So far I have packed up the kidlets and their belongings out to my mothers.

Taken the car in for an oil change, which turned out into a power steering fiasco which is going to cost me $1000 bucks next week. Swore at mechanic (who is a good friend) he didn't mind.

Stopped to pick up sample clothes that were embroidered for Bugaloo's school, for school council meeting next week.

Came home for well required shower and absolutely necessary hair washing.

Had breakfast and sat down with Coffee to blog for last time before going away for well deserved weekend with girls.

Still left to do:
Box up inventory and pack in car
breakdown 8ft table and pack in car
pack clothes
pack books to read
grocery shop
clean kitchen
prepare clothes for kidlets for hubby
Leave by 3:00pm

The book I am Planning to read is The Life Organizer By Jennifer Louden

You can check out the Website here

Holy Shit! I better get going. Have a great weekend everyone.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Clutter ahhh!

As I am packing for the weekend I am realizing that I have some clutter that I need to get rid of.

Why do we hang on to these things? I sheet of stickers with 2 stickers left on it, I don't even like the stickers! So not wanting to waste anything I quickly made a little love note to stick in Hubby's lunch pail and managed to feel good about myself and getting rid of a piece of clutter.

Now what about the other 50lbs of crap in my house. Baby Steps!

I found a couple of sites that may help me out. and

I also picked up the book, It's All too Much by Peter Walsh.

One tip that makes sense to me is going through each room and deciding what it's purpose is, what you want out of the room. then you get rid of what does not belong and lend itself to this purpose. Great Idea! But at some point you have a load of shit left over and that's the scary part for me.

Hubby already thinks I am trying to get rid of all his "stuff" he has a hard time realizing that I am getting rid of stuff too.

When you don't get married and settle down until your in your 30's you just don't realize how much crap you have to get rid of.

So next week I will post some photos of our crap so you can feel my pain and travel on the journey.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

TOPS, Job Hunt, Scrapbooking


TOPS update:
Not bad, despite pizza and beer blowout the 3 hours of bowling seems to do some good! Even though I had a mini hersey kiss breakdown on Sunday I still managed to lose 1.5lbs. I was very excited. It gave me renewed confidence to keep going with my new habits.

Job Hunt:
Recruiting agency are Fucktards (borrowed from Minivan Mom) they did not listen to their client who was in a hurry to fill the position, they gave them some lame line "to do it properly we need some time" so the company filled the position already. I am so Pissed! I had figured out what company it was, my hubby said I should go in and introduce myself as a potential candidate, but I didn't want to push my luck or piss off the staffing agency. DUH! Now I have lost a perfect position.

So Pissed. Damn Fucktards!


So looking forward to my weekend away. I am not prepared, but I have all day friday to pack so I am hopeful. I still have about 100 photos to print off which I have to do tonight if I want them to all be totally dry by the weekend.

I can't wait until we can afford a laptop so I can start doing some digital scrapbooking to make my life a little easier. I will never give up the paper but it would be nice to do some on the computer.

I have a request to post some layouts after my weekend I will have to see how the creative juices are flowing.

How about a quote from Doris Banks in Houston, Texas that I found in a book I am reading called How to Ask for and get Money, Fulfillment and Advancement by Tory Johnson and Robyn Freedman Spizman.,

"I've learned that help rarely falls into our laps, You have to be willing to recognize that you need it, then you have to muster the confidence to ask for it."

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Family Day - TOPS - Scrapbooking and Job hunt

We received a new Provincial holiday this year from our Premier Dalton McGuinty. Family Day was yesterday Feb 18th and will fall on the third Monday of February every year.

I myself was happy for the holiday because the weather sucked and I didn't want to go out anyway. The kids are coming down with a cold so we were only outside for a brief moment in time before they were complaining, their noses were running and we were not enjoying our time as a FAMILY.

We had dinner with Nonna and Nonno and watched some movies, all in all a good Family day!

TOPS blow out. Well first I have to say that I went bowling on the weekend for 3 hours and that was alot of exercise! But the 2 lite beers and slice of ooey gooey pizza after 9pm was probably not a good choice. But it tasted good. I did some stretching and some crunches, bugaloo helped by sitting on my stomach (to provide resistance?) Also some push-ups (if that's what you call flopping around on the floor) and a few lunges, which after the bowling really hurt.

We'll see how the weigh in goes today but I'm not holding out too much hope at this point. I just hope to maintain my loss from last week and not gain anything back.

I am trying to get ready for a huge scrapbooking retreat that I am co-hosting this weekend. I am a consultant for Creative Memories (in my spare time ha)and me and another consultant are hosting a retreat weekend for about 45 people, so I have to pack all my SHIT and make a list of my inventory and blah blah blah. But it will be fun and I know I will sell alot of stock and get a few orders and that will feed my own scrapbook addiction as well as feed the children so it's all good. You can check out my CM website here.

I haven't here back from my recruiting agency yet. I love how things are always a rush and then you have to wait a week to get an interview. So I sent a follow up today and hopefully I will get an interview sometime this week.

I think that's all for now! I'm on a short week because of the holiday, therapy afternoon and a scheduled vacation day because of the retreat so I hope to put in a few extra hours to get some actual WORK done.

Wish me luck!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

What day is it??

Did I miss a memo? did Saturday fly by and I had no time to post? Darn!

My niece had her confirmation, and we did a big luncheon party for her yesterday and then in the evening, said niece babysat for us while we went out bowling with our biker friends. Nothing like 20 bikers wearing goofy shoes and acting like a bunch of goof balls.

Wouldn't have missed it for the world.

Now I'm catching up on weekend laundry and getting dinner ready.

Chicken, pasta, green beans and garlic bread. ho hum!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Why or Why ! and Happy Because

Why oh Why....

does my son poop his pants just as the bus is pulling up to our house.

Why oh Why...

does he not stay still as I try to change him and he gets poop on his clothes, the carpet and his shoes.

Why oh Why...

was I aggravated with him and he went to school knowing mommy was aggravated

Why oh Why...

does my mom, who is supposed to look after my kids today have a raging cold and can't come.

Why oh Why....

do I have too much work to day and not enough time to do it in.

Why oh Why....

Have I not heard from my staffing agency yet about interview for cool job closer to my shambles of a home


Grandparents are coming to cover for sick Mom
Grandparents will spoil great grandchildren rotten!
It's a beautiful (crisp) day and the sun is shining
It's Friday
It's a long weekend
I only have a 3 day work week next week


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

This year we decided not to make a huge deal out of the day! Since 2008 is about asserting our priorities, debt and consumer reduction.

Hubby always sends me flowers at work. This year I asked that my gift be, to NOT send me flowers at work.

It is nice, don't get me wrong, but for what reasons. Everyone ohhs and ahhs and tells me how lucky I am! BUT I ALREADY KNOW THAT! He treats me like a very special person everyday, I don't need him to announce it to the world.

So this year I asked him to not spend the $100 or more on flowers for the office to enjoy, but instead, since we have to go out this weekend anyway, pay for a sitter and dinner at our favorite pub (since I'm cheating on my TOPS and I have been planning for it all week), shit we might even have a few bucks left over, SWEET.

Examples of how my honey is sweet everyday.

There is always coffee ready for me in the morning (this may be a survival technique)
He takes care of the compost, recycle and garbage
He scraps my car off and shovels a path to my car
He kisses me on the forehead before he leaves
He whispers sweet nothings to me every night when I crawl into bed.
He supports my career aspirations, through my many job interviews
He takes time off work to do the treatment appointments for BugaLoo
He is funny and has a great sense of humor
He thinks I'm funny, smart, pretty and likes me for who I am.

I love my honey!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Job Offer

More money...Closer to home....fingers crossed.

here we go again.

more later

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


I'm so excited! A great gal I've met is publishing her own book. The story of her journey through the heartache of infertility and how they built their beautiful family. Her one son has CP as well and that is how we met.

And, she has asked me if I would look at her manuscript! Eeek!

Now I have to tell you, I am no english major, although I did take 7 english credits in high school, but that is the extent of my formal english education, but I digress.

I consider myself the first reviewer, I get most spelling and grammar errors and check for flow and consistency. But I leave the final version to the pros, because, well because what do I know. I couldn't recognize a dangling participle if it was dangling off my nose.

Anyhoo, she needs a new set of eyes on her book and I offered and she said yes.

So I will be reading and spell checking and reading the grammar rule book for a few days.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Cerebral Palsy - Part 2

A little bundle of joy, so sweet, so precious. 10 fingers 10 toes. What more could we have asked for?

He had been squished sideways under my ribcage for quite some time, his left foot folded into himself, his left heel actually pushing so hard on his scrotum it left a bruise that was there for a few days. We were referred to the pediatric physiotherapist at the hospital right away for the foot and began therapy once a week.

During his second week alive he developed a pseudo tumor on the side of his neck. Torticollis, basically a bulge, and he had trouble even resting his head straight. His head would consently fall with his ear to his shoulder. Therefore, the hospital physiotherpaist also worked with us on that.

This was a rough period, all I can say is that you do it because you have to, really what wouldn't you do for this wonderful gift you have been given.

So, as I was recovering from an emergency C-section, my sister or mother and I would make weekly visits to the hospital for therapy. Every diaper change we had a series of exercises to perform. Most involved stretching and pulling on various body parts and muscle groups. We performed these stretches until he cried and then we did it for an additional count of 10. We also had a tiny foot brace made for him that I had to strap him into 23 hours a day. (This is another post, that will take some time to write).

We were referred to an Orthopedic surgeon, who off the hop had suggested surgery. Me not being an invasive medical procedure advocate, recoiled in horror at this suggestion and stated that I would like to give physio and the brace a try before we resorted to surgery to nick the heel cord to allow the foot to fall properly and stretch the hamstring out. (For the rest of my life I will question this decision, would that have made the difference in his progress had he had the surgery at this early stage.)

I'm not really sure if I can articulate what this has done to my pscyhe, but I'm sure it has made me more emotional and more vulernable on the inside and I'm sure that sometimes I appear more rough and jagged on the outside.

We continued monthly "well baby" checkups with our GP. Looking back now, each time she reviewed his progress there was furrow in her brow. But at the time, in denial, I kept saying he was just a little behind.

We continued monthly "well baby" checkups with the pediatrician at the hospital (not the same one that saw us on the morning after - thank god!) She continued to say his foot was doing well. At four months she discharged us, saying take my healthy baby home and that I may need to continue the therpay for his foot for about a year.

At seven months my GP had made a note for herself and at eight months she discussed it with me. She felt he was having a developmental delay. She couldn't put her finger on it but she thought we should see a pediatrician. I was incredulous, I asked , "you mean like the one that discharged us 4 months ago?"

So back to the PED we went, this time she ordered tests, blood test, creatine tests, liver enzyme and function tests. We were referred to a genetic specialist at our leading Ontario Univeristy Medical Centre.

Imagine if you will trying to take blood from a 2 month old baby, and then taking vials and vials of blood from a 8month old baby. My sister had to leave the room. I cried the whole way home.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Saturday Morning Post - Fat Club update

So here we are.

Coffee in hand, Laundry in, children playing.....

I have to admit that I don't have much to say today I think I am having a blogger block.

Or it could be the deprivation of junk food and beer that is clouding my mind and I can't seem to have a coherent thought.

I am hungry... It's not that I am starving myself because I am not. I am actually eating more calories, just better quality food. I actually feel better, I have not had that tired feeling in the morning. When I open my eyes I am actually ready to wake up, not get in a full blown argument with myself about why 7 mins will make me feel so much better.

But I am hungry, I just want a handful of chips or a cookie.

So yesterday on Day 4 of this new Fat Club plan. I broke down and bought one of those cookie packs from our vending machine at work. Two Oatmeal Raisin cookies never tasted so good! It did the trick though for the rest of the afternoon, atleast I could concentrate on work and not be obsessed about food.

I think its the not eating after 7pm that's killing me. I am going to bed hungry every night.

The Pay off - already a pair of my pants that have always fit tight, went on a little smoother today. Now I haven't worn them since before Christmas because I knew I would not be able to get into them over Christmas.

So I know this will be good for me (and the extra 15lbs I need to get rid of) and my heart health.


Friday, February 8, 2008

Fat Club

We have started this new "Wellness initiative" at work. The goal and focus this year is to work on our "heart health".

Or as I like to call it FAT CLUB.

This week on Tuesday was our first meeting in which we signed up for our chosen program which is called TOPS (Taking off pounds sensibly. This included filling in various forms and receiving a booklet about preparing for a healthy lifestyle.

To summarize: Move your ass, Put the fork down.

Then we had a weigh in ugg! Although my superior self esteem does not consider myself fat. I must admit that after 2 babies and not so much physical activity I am shall we say SOFT. This was particularly noted yesterday after shoveling out the bus 2 times and the driveway. OUCH! My back is sore.

I have been watching my food intake and even put it into this cool program called EATracker.

It told me that I am eating too many carbs (duh) and not enough veggies (double duh).

I am having a little competition with the lady that sits across from me at work as we both love the chocolate, the beer, and the chips and dip. Here are our goals for the first week:

No Beer during the week
No eating after 7pm
No junk food (totally suckie rule)
Exercise 3 times a week for 20 mins

I will let you know if this deprivation made a difference on Tuesday at my next FAT CLUB Meeting.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

SNOW is getting on my last nerve

Hey ya'll

It is 10am. I just finished shovelling out the school bus to take my sone to school.

Is it a beautiful day yes! But not if you live in my cul de sac which is completey snowed in with the promised 15-20 cm of SNOW.

My back is killing me.

Now I have to try to get my car out of here. Unfortunately I was not so smart and my car is facing the wrong way so I will have to back out of my driveway on the cul de sac which has been totally obliterated by everyone else in the free world trying to get out of here.

I am so afraid that my little PT cruiser will get stuck. As we all know as soon as I get stuck the plow will come and I will be forever hated. AMEN.

Therefore I will wait to get my little guy off the bus at 11:30 and shovel out the bus again and wait until 12 till the plow comes and then go to work and wok until 7 tonight. Hoping that we have no more snow in the forecast.

Yippee for me.

Hope your day is going better than mine.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

SNOW DAY! - again!

Oh Crap!

They cancelled the buses but the school is open, however The Bug is complaining he has a cold and doesn't want to go.

When I drop him off I'm not sure how long it will take me to get to work (considering yesterdays drive) then I will have to turn around and come back to get him at 11:15. So I am opting out of work today. I have a few things I can do to get in a few hours.

Today was a 1/2 day for me as the bug and I have therapy this afternoon anyway so technically I am only losing a half day!

I just feel so damn guilty. It's not like I am even behind or anything I have been able to keep up and almost everything is meeting deadlines. I have just never missed so much work in my life.

It was easier when my office was downtown, but now that we have moved to the industrial area at the other end of town. I have trouble risking life and limb for the drive on the highway in really crappy weather. Does that make me a pussy!

I have two small kids that need their mom, I think not!

I wil try not to feel so guilty today!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Meet my Arch Nemisis - TRAFFIC


For once I actually left the house early today. - First Mistake.

My usual 20-30 min trip to work - 1 hour 10 minutes

Thank you very much!

How did I pass the time - Heavy Metal and reading the 4 Agreements (for my spiritual enlightment) and so that I didn't get out of my car and kick the crap out of the lady infront of me who I let in line because I felt sorry for her (second mistake) who wanted to turn left instead of right and took up both lanes to do so. Oh can I add that she was a little shy! It took four yes FOUR cars stopping to let her in before she found a kind soul she felt she could trust and finally made her effin lefty turn so I could proceed on my way!


Monday, February 4, 2008

Organic Housekeeping - Part 2

What to do when your dog eats 4 cups of paper mache glue?

First, 4 cups of paper mache glue is NOT appropriate for the intestinal tract of said 11 year old boxer.

Second, first – aid for such occasion includes ½ cup of hydrogen peroxide forced down the throat of said dog to induce vomiting.

Dog does not vomit for the next hour -- family must proceed to family yoga for 1 hour.

Family comes home to COPIOUS dog vomit on front window sill. Touché !

Step 1 – use dust pan to shovel up paper mache glue, peroxide, dog food vomit into garbage bag.

Step 2 – use vinegar and water solution to spray down window, window sill and the wall to clean off excess.

Step 3 – spray with hydrogen peroxide to disinfect window, window still and wall.

Step 4 – Turn to Chair that is placed in front of said window. Use towel to towel off excess dog vomit from chair. Scrub “soiled” area with soap and water lifting excess liquid with yet another towel.

Step 5 – Spray with a light vinegar water mixture to deodorize fabric on chair

Step 6 – Two days later when chair still smells, use mixture of borax and water and scrub chair again lifting excess liquid with towel. Wait 2 days for chair to dry vacuum off white flakes.

Step 7 - If smell proceeds, throw chair to the curb

Okay the last step is not very organic, but the chair is 25 years old has been stitched together several times and has most of the springs removed from it.

It’s a dog chair people, I needed to get rid of it anyway!


Sunday, February 3, 2008

The dirty rotten toffee eating hag

Today I bundled the kidlets up and we went outside to play, we finished shovelling our drive way and slide down the snow hill in our cul de sac. We were outside for more than an hour and a half. I love days like this when the temp is just nice that you can stay outside until the snow soaks your whole snowsuit. So here I sit with everyone down for a nap with a nice cup of Creme Carmel tea and my computer. Hopefully catching up on a little work form our friday snow day before everyone wakes up

Friday night hubby went out with a few friends for drinks at the local pub. I stayed home and sacked on the couch with a bag of chips some dip and a beer to watch "What Not to Wear." I had a minor out of body experience and said to myself; "Self, you can't do this or your ass will look like a MAC truck."

So on Saturday I declared (to myself) that I will not eat after 7pm anymore! I think this is a good rule because honestly its like staying out at the bar after 1pm - NOTHING GOOD CAN COME FROM IT!

So now I have declared it to you - SO IT IS WRITTEN SO IT SHALL BE DONE!

I may not lose any weight but hopefully I won't gain any either. Otherwise I am afraid I will have a moment like a lady on one of the blogs that I follow:

A recent visit to Big Mama produced this GEM.

She has been endulging herself with her favorite treat and has decided that she needs to do something about it.

When we finally arrived back home I decided I needed to continue to pay the toffee piper and did about forty lunges on the back porch and then some stomach crunches. I say “some” because I lost count about the time I started crying from the pain.

At that point my legs and abdominal muscles let me know that I am a dirty, rotten, toffee-eating hag and they would like to go live on someone else’s body.

Read the post in it's entirety on her site listed above. I LOVE IT!

Lest we all turn in to toffee eating hags!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

everyone worth knowing - Book Review

everyone worth knowing - Lauren Weisberger
Previous titles - the devil wears prada

I read this book so quickly that I didn't have time to put in on my list.

This is a story about a girl who has spent 5 years in investment banking in New York (poor girl) and has become disenchanted with her life. Through a series of connections she moves on to be one of Manhattan's premiere party planners and PR people and how she deals with the bells and whistles and papparazzi that goes with that.

It starts out slow, what I think is painfully slow. The first third of the book actually still leaves me wondering if I really needed to know that much about the main character. Finally, something interest actually happens and it definately picks up in the end. It was hard to put down during the last few chapters.

You can tell it is the second out for an author who had a first smash hit and was asked to push something out sooner rather than later.

It will probably still get made into a movie.

Over all a great read for the beach!

PS. We still have copious amounts of snow, I will try to load a photo this weekend, but I guess I will be too busy shovelling, ahh! (this photo is from the last storm we had but the view out my window today is exactly the same)

Friday, February 1, 2008

Heard at our dinner table last night

Last night we had dinner with Nona and Nono. BugaLoo had a snack before dinner and was not very hungry, however he has begun the habit of being excused and as 10 mins after we get dinner cleared he asks for a snack. So we have been cracking down on this by asking him to eat a little bit or sitting at the table until we are done.

BugaLoo: “May I be excused please?”
Dad: “No. You need to eat 4 pieces of pasta and 4 pieces of meat,because you are 4 years old.”
BugaLoo: “I don’t want to!”
Dad: “That’s fine but then you will sit there until we are done dinner”
BugaLoo: “OH POOH!
Dad: “PARDON!”
Bugaloo: “ummm…. Nothing.” (hand moves to face to cover mouth and looks away)

Mom: Excuses herself to go to the bathroom to shit herself laughing
Nono: Laughs out loud : “oh Bugaloo you are so funny”
Nona: smacks Nono on the arm and covers her mouth stifling a giggle

Dad: Scowls in disgust at EVERYONE!

I don’t care who you are that’s just funny.


Well they were calling for a snow storm and all the predictions are coming true.

It was't too bad this morning at 5:30 when the dog woke me up with an upset stomach. (Due to an overindulgence of paper mache glue, for which had to force peroxide down his throat to induce vomiting, which ocurred an hour later all over our front bow window...I digress) So it was mildly snowing.

Hubby was getting ready for work and I was going back to bed even if it was for another hour. I LOVE my sleep. When I woke at 6:45 we had about an inch maybe a bit more and in the next hour we got double that. The schools are closed even our universities, which in the 22 years my BIL has worked there they have only close 2 times.

At 7:30 after talking with hubby who said the roads were bad and he would be home early. (we are expecting freezing rain too) I pulled the pin and called into work, yet again to say I was warning the OPP warnings and not travelling on the highway.

I'm not worried about my driving just the other 5000 people I commute with daily who can't drive worth a shit!

So me and the kidlets are dressed in our cosy clothes and hanging out. I'm sure there will be a few posts today.