Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Pumpkins, Toilets and Therapists ..oh My!

Has it really been almost a week since my last post, Holy Shit! I guess I'm not such a good blogger after all. I vow to get better.

This weekend we had a hoot with 2 Halloween parties for kids and one for adults. What a great time. Our friends had their little boy on Hallowe'en so he is forever going to have a huge party on his birthday. Good thing we all love it so much!

We carved our pumpkins and my Tino was totally grossed out! He thought the goo was gross and kept asking to have his hands washed. Gracie loved it and kept digging in and making gagging noises like the pumpkin was barfing it's inside out and then giggling hysterically. Too funny. opposites I tell you.

As you know Tino has CP and I got a note home from school saying he was refusing to use the toilet. So up to the school I go on Monday and now I know why. So we did some experimenting and hopefully we have something that will work until the real equipment comes in. Or I can always teach him to go standing up. That may be the least traumatic for him.

Our therapist for Tino is off indefinately and no one can tell me when we are getting a new one. That bites. We saw the orthopedic doc yesterday and she is recommending botox again so we will need a therapist soon.

Still waiting to hear about my dream job. I can't believe that I wouldn't even get an interview. Unless they decided to hire from within. Ahhhh!

Gracie's growing like a weed and says great things like Oooo kkkkkk, and now way!

Lino has two more weeks left of school so next week is exam week and things should get pretty tense in our household. But it will be over soon.

Hope all is well for you.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The waiting game!

Ever wanted something so bad and just had to wait to find out. It's like buying a raffle ticket for a prize you really want and could actually use and would fit perfectly into your life...but different. It's like not finding out the sex of you baby and having to wait until you give birth. That how I feel about this job that I have applied for. I really really really want it, it would fit perfectly into my life right now and into the future. But I have to wait. I sent in my resume with a brilliant cover letter, and I followed up with an email to ensure it was received and to ask a question and received a reply and now I must wait to see if I get the call for the interview.

I am freaking out! I want this job so badly. I can see myself doing this job. It is working with the foundation of the Child Development and Rehabilitation Centre where my son goes for therapy, there would be public speaking involved (who can't talk for hours about their passion)donor relations and media communications (again the talking and writing thing)

Ahhh! I just can't wait.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Scraps, What the Hell, Apple Slinky

So after my massive scrapbooking weekend. I am totally exhausted. Happy that along with planning the event with 2 others I was able to sit for a bit and get a few things done. Everything went well, so thank for anyone who was thinking of me.

However getting home on Saturday nite was when the tough work began. I had messages from my youngest Aunt who is only 5 years older than me, my Mother, My brother, holy crap. So I started with my aunt because I hadn't heard from her in awhile. Before I go there I have to say that my hubby talked to my mother the night before so I had a bit of a clue what the phone call was going to be about. My 17 yr old cousin is PREGNANT Yikes! (R if you read this... it is all about me and my reaction and inability to deal with the news, not what is happening to you, I love you and you will have my support always).

So, me and auntie had a bit of a heart to heart and uncle, well he's still in shock. All the while my kids are going balistic in the background and hubby is slamming cupboards and banging around. Even though he told me it was okay to return the call. Doink.

To put this in selfish perspective, I should let you know. I am the first grandchild, However I was not the first grandchild to have a child....No when I was in my 20s my 15 year old cousin beat me to it twice! K if you read this I know you are laughing because we are so over that! But when I heard the news about R it took me back to that place and I was just mad.

I guess I get mad because I managed to make it through highschool and after and 1 marriage without getting pregnant! What the hell is wrong with these girls, have you not heard about condoms, pills, the Fucking rhythem method for shit sake. At least make an attempt will ya!

I feel better now! My favorite for the day. Little guy went to the apple orchard today and made an apple slinky for a snack. How cute would that have been. I wish I could have been there. But no I was at work!


Friday, October 19, 2007

TGIF - Next Week will be better

I am so glad this week is over. I have been working like a effing machine this week and I need to be done soon. As we know I have some commitments over the weekend but I am really looking forward to Saturday nite when I can sit down for a bit.

I'm excited for next week as I am hoping to hear about a possible new job. It would really be so great. I have been with the same company (different positions) for 12 years. We recently sold a division of our business (where I started) and I really miss my peeps and really feel out of place in this new dynamic.

I have never had a hard time with change. Which makes me this now is a good time for me to move on. Keep your fingers crossed.

Little guy had a dance-a-thon at school today I can hardly wait to hear about it.

Little gal is still not feeling well but atleast she slept through the night.

MinivanMom has an interesting post today on liberalism in Social Work. I'm still working on my feelings about it. Ha! probably mostly rage!


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Whose pushing my buggy?

I am tired, so tired. With all of us being sick I am starting to run out of gas. The worst part is I have a heck of a busy weekend coming up and I'm not quite sure I'm going to make it through.

With two of my friends I am hosting a huge scrapbooking weekend and tomorrow night after I finish swimming lessons with the wee one. I have to load up the car and drive to the other end of town and start setting up for our weekend. The worst part is out of the 10 peeps I had coming I don't think ANYONE is going to be able to make it. Double sucky because I will be doing all this work for someone else.

Oh well, I will be teaching two card making classes and a border class so I am excited about that and then I plan on sleeping alot on Saturday night. But I'm sure hubby will have other plans because he will have been couped up with the kids for two nights at bed time. Ahhhhh!

So I saw a new book that I want to get about a Navy SEAL who was the lone survivor of his mission in Afganistan. Looks a little Holyier then Jesus, good old boy texan, with a little sheer American propoganda, (no offence texas friends!)But looks like a tear jerker and neato story. I think it comes out sometime next week.

Anyway I had better go I am supposed to be preparing my inventory list of supplies I'm bringing so all our stuff doesn't get mixed up.

Take care everyone.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Sick of sneezes

So I thought that my allergies were bothering me? Turns out I have a cold. It started with hubby and now poor little guy has it. He has been off school for two days, up 2-3 times a night and life is generally one kleenex at a time at our house.

I don't think I have been ontime for work once in the last 10 days or so and I keep leaving early because I need the extra time for doctors appts and to cook some good god damn food for us so that we can get better.

Needless to say life is a little chaotic right now.

Hope everyone else is doing better.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Chick Peas and Chocolate Chips

It's official! My husband thinks I have taken things to far. On Monday, Thanksgiving I was watching Oprah (come on everyone does it)and Jessica Seinfeld was on to peddle her new book Deceptively Delicious, how to hide veggie purees in your food so you not harrassing your kids during meals. As part of the goodies she brought on was chocolate chip cookies that have chick peas in them.

Now understand me when I say. I HATE chick peas. I have a girlfriend, sweet M, who will eat them whole, cold just for something to have for lunch. I want to barf everytime this happens. I think she does it on purpose just so she will have a giggle for the day. I digress.

So loing story short. I found the book (which is quite good, another post) and I made the friggin cookies. They are DELICIOUS! I love them!!! Even hubby says they are okay. He is choc chip expert and prefers his cookies more crunchy and dry.

Needless, it was a blast to bring some into work today and try to keep the secret of the ingredients until people finished the cookies. I did not have anyone throw the cookie away. Gave us a good distraction from work so overall mission accomplished.

After that the day went to hell. Work got more complicated. My son misbehaved for his entire physiotherapy session which his therapist stretched into almost two hours because he was being such a pain. When I finally got home exhausted. I hit the wall and gave into the realization that I can deny no longer.

I have the sinus cold my hubby had over the weekend. Yippee! I feel like crap and had to call him home from school to take our youngest to swimming lessons.

That's life and for the most part I'm loving it!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Blogging who'd of thunk it!

I can't believe I'm doing this. Really... Isn't it just part of evolution? People wanting to express their thoughts and opinions to other people. That's what we used to have dinner parties for. Now with an active family and no time for dinner parties, it has come to this... a place to ruminate and express the random thoughts that pass through my mind.

Several of my friends and cyber buddies have taken to this medium of expression and I find them quite charming and amusing. So I hope that in my hour of needing to express myself about the haphazards of this my so called life you too will find some amusement and perhaps a chuckle or two, at my expense, of course.

Why Pushing the Buggy? Well, that what I feel like I'm doing these days, Pushing the baby buggy, pushing the grocery buggy, riding the buggy(car), lifting the baby with the buggy whips (arms), the kids are driving me buggy...It's all about the buggy these days.