Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Whose pushing my buggy?

I am tired, so tired. With all of us being sick I am starting to run out of gas. The worst part is I have a heck of a busy weekend coming up and I'm not quite sure I'm going to make it through.

With two of my friends I am hosting a huge scrapbooking weekend and tomorrow night after I finish swimming lessons with the wee one. I have to load up the car and drive to the other end of town and start setting up for our weekend. The worst part is out of the 10 peeps I had coming I don't think ANYONE is going to be able to make it. Double sucky because I will be doing all this work for someone else.

Oh well, I will be teaching two card making classes and a border class so I am excited about that and then I plan on sleeping alot on Saturday night. But I'm sure hubby will have other plans because he will have been couped up with the kids for two nights at bed time. Ahhhhh!

So I saw a new book that I want to get about a Navy SEAL who was the lone survivor of his mission in Afganistan. Looks a little Holyier then Jesus, good old boy texan, with a little sheer American propoganda, (no offence texas friends!)But looks like a tear jerker and neato story. I think it comes out sometime next week.

Anyway I had better go I am supposed to be preparing my inventory list of supplies I'm bringing so all our stuff doesn't get mixed up.

Take care everyone.

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