Monday, May 19, 2008

New Post

What else can I call it really. Not much to say. We are enjoying an extra day off. the kids are having a blast (unattended at the moment) ripping the hosue apart. Doing who knows what. I came down here to change up some laundry and felt the call of the blog.

Quick updates. I think I have lost a couple of LBS. However I believe this has caused the out of no where cravings I have been experiencing. Chocolate does not stand a chance.

Running is going well, by buddy and I are upto 1.5 mins run 1 mon recovery for 25 mins on our lunch hours and we are doing well, I bump up to 2:1 on the weekends.

I got in a quick run/walk yesterday with the dog. Then we were off to visit my grand parents. Granny and Choo Choo Bob.

Well I just heard a big crying but I had better go check that out.

1 comment:

jenn said...

lol i hope the bang was nothing!!! don't leave us hanging!!! hehe

Its freezing here. I went for a walk and got hailed on. Whats up with that eh?? hehe

happy V day :)
