Friday, October 31, 2008

A Rainbow Moth

My children are complex individuals. We have been busy getting ready for Hallowe'en. the kids are excited and 2 1/2 and almost 5 I think this is the first year they really get it.

The bug started out with wanting to be a spikey caterpillar and then wanted to be a crysallis? that would have been a little tricky and required a LOT of explaining. Luckily he moved on and decided on a MOTH. mmmmmm... In an effort to see his vision I asked What kind of moth. His answer. A Rainbow Moth. mmmmmmmm... In an effort to seek further clarification. What does a rainbow moth look like?

You know... it has wings, with colors and fluttery.

Right I'll get right on that.

turns out when I offered him the chance to paint his own wings all was good and we have an "interesting" costume.

Here's a peek at the action.

And the peanut doing her best Jackson Pollock


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Still crazy busy Wednesday

What a whirl wind week. On top of being sick which is totally hindering passion for life. I had/have a lot of commitments this week.

Work is crazy busy we are testing a new report format and I have to get it done by the end of the week. Others are depending on me to get it done.

I had a great workshop with my Mom's group - we did a special project I whipped up on family trees using a preprinted family tree page and the Creative Memories leaf punch. I wish I had one to show you but I had an extra person show up and did not even get to do my own :( That's okay the ones that the ladies did were absolutely fabulous I know they will be treasured keepsakes in the years to come.

Today just concentrating on getting a little caught up at work.

I also wanted to get my submission in for the 2Scrapbook Friends Design Team call . Since it is my favorite store I thought I would apply. I had a few layouts that I thought would work. Now that I met the deadline I feel more inspired so I don't really know what to do about that. Re-submit new layouts of just hang tight. mmmmm. We'll see how much time I have left before the deadline on Friday.

Hubster is out tonight so maybe I will get some time to myself to contemplate after I get the kids off to bed.

I'm really looking forward to my "empty" weekend. No real plans we'll just go with the flow.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Some fun from the weekend

Even though it was raining we had a lot of fun the 2008 Murray Pumpkin Carve. Our dear friends have finally moved in to a beautiful home and decided they were going to decorate their yard with over 40 pumpkins. So this was kind of like the house warming where you invite everyone to come help you paint...but different. Everyone in attendance was REQUIRED (yes required) to carve a pumpkin. Of course this is hubby's favorite time of year so he was happy to oblige, bring his own tools and everything.

He did several some with the kids some on his own. Some how between treats and mini meltdowns I only got a photo of this one.

I think this was the Bugs pick.

Crazy busy I still feel like crap and I only have a few more days to get my design team submission together. Not sure if I'm going to make it or not.

Doing a family tree project tomorrow night with my mom's group. So exciting! Work was a total drag today it took me almost all day just to get my inbox under control. not to mention my personal stuff.

Full time work - job security and health and dental benefits are just SO overrated.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Whew - What a weekend

Well Croptoberfest is over for another year.

We had a great time catching up on what is going on in each others lives. Some people have new babies others have taken grand trips to places around the globe and brought back fantastic photos and stories to share. Otherswere quietly working on Christmas cards and other personal projects for their children, parents and special people in their lives.

It was a great day to re-affirm to me. Why I choose to spend some of my spare time doing what I do. helping people perserve memories and thank the special people in their lives.

I was able to get 1000 photos loaded on my computer and made a dent in labeling and journalling around some of the photos maybe about 300 so even though the weekend was about serving my friends I did manage to have some productivity myself.

I wish I had some photos to share, but I forgot to take my camera and will have to wait to get photos from my co-host. :(

Hope you all had a great weekend with your families.

Today we are going to a pumpkin carve. It's pretty cold out so we will have to bundle up, but I think we will all have a great time.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Crazy Busy Life

I have not been feeling well. I had a small intestinal virus that kept indisposed for two days - killer. Needless to say thankfully it seems to be clearing up since I haven't been indisposed for a whole 6 hours now.

Which is good because tonight is CROPTOBERFEST. A one night one day scrapbooking extravaganza that I host with a fellow consultant. So I have been running around this afternoon getting ready. I'm not sure I have everything and I think I will be squeaking in JUST in time. I hope my co-host doesn't freak when I blow in an hour before show time. This event is always alot of fun for us and ALWAYS pulls together at the last minute so why should this year be any different.


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Try Again

Well someone was a bit of a shit! And refreshed their page view about 10 times to be the 2500 hit and then did not claim the prize.

So we will try this again.

Leave a comment in the comment section and I will pick a random # and you will be the new winner!

Not only will you win a copy of "the IT girls guide to blogging with Moxie" I just may throw in a little gift card from Chapters if blogging is not your favorite topic.

Hope to hear from you.

Monday, October 20, 2008

2500 view Give-Away

Getting Closer.

If you are visitor #2500. Drop me an email and you will win This

I read this book a little while ago and it had some great tips for blogging/posting.

It has taken me a little longer than I thought but I am finishing up my thoughts on some Cerebral Palsy topics and hope to post them later this week.

Have a great day!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Weekend recap

Wow what great weather we had this weekend! I was going to load up some photos but I am still getting used to this damn this and now if is almost 11pm and I should have been in bed an hour ago. I have this sore throat again. Which I can almost guarantee you is from raking leaves today, I am so easily irritated by the mold that grows on leaves in the fall.

Suckage! (now there's something I haven't said since the 80's.

I keep hitting wrong buttons. It's going to take a while to get used to this thing.

I decided on an HP Pavilion. I wish I could give you more details but that is all the box says. I have some photos of the disaster that was the unpacking and putting together, but like I said I need to get some sleep and i can only learn so many new things in one day. I managed to get a few up yesterday, but that was in the morning when I had my wits about me not later at night when I have been surfing the net.

Excuses, Excuses. I know hopefully tomorrow will be a little more productive for blogging-posting-whatever


Saturday, October 18, 2008

A card or two

Just a quick post to justify the last hour in peace.

and this one

If only I could have a few more hours. sigh!

Friday, October 17, 2008

To do List

So many things to do.

-Finish loading software on new laptop and upload some photo cards so I can clear them up
-Laundry (ugh)
-Paperwork from last 3 scrapbooking workshops I have hosted
-Start packing for big workshop next weekend
-finishing touches to CP blog post series for next week (?)
-Up load some photos to share with you guys
-Buy Food
-Clean up office
-Finishing touches on Design Team submissions for 2 Scrapbook Friends
-prepare for busy week next week


Thursday, October 16, 2008

New Computer operational

I think we did it. I had to enlist the computer illiterate but electronically inclined hubster to help me test, check, retest and re check all the outlet, inlets, ports, wires, connectors, routers, lans, wans and shenanigans.

But I think we got it. It took awhile to get the modem straightened out and it is still running a little slow but I am just happy to access my email again.

So now that it is almost 11pm. I gotta get to bed and get some sleep.

I'm sure I will be spending the weekend getting acquainted with my new friend VISTA I hear she is a real BITCH sometimes.

Ahhh I wish I could have afforded a MAC but then it would be another two years before I would be typing this post.

So far so good. We are functional.

Now \i have to get used to the new keyboard.

A Long Time

Apparently it was not really my boat anchor of a computer that was causing all the trouble it was the Stupid modem and now I have to wait until Bell sends me a new modem. aaarrggghhhh!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Guess what I am picking up tonight???

Here's a riddle.

How long will it take a 36 year old working mother of two to get her NEW Computer hooked up and online?????

I'll let you know tomorrow or maybe the next day or the next.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Birthday Party List

I am Turkey and Pumpkin pied out. What a weekend. The weather was fabulous. I made dinner for 12. I made it packed it and traveled it 40 mins to my sisters house, so she wouldn't have to move a muscle from her house with her 2 week old baby. Not only was it thanksgiving but is was also her daughter, Button's 2nd birthday. Here was my plan:

Mini Pumpkin Painting with glitter glue option
Fresh Veggies and Dip (my brother)
Cheese and Crackers (my brother)
Party hats (made by my kids 4 and 2, very interesting)
Roast Beef (me)
Oven Roasted Chicken (me)
Steamed Carrots (me)
Hash Brown Cassarole (my mom)
Green beans with Almonds (Granny)
Mushy Peas (me)
Garlic Bread (store bought by me)
Backyardigans plates and napkins (me)
Lots of photos
Lots of grass to run and play on
Awesome bare feet weather

It was great!

Oh by the way I found a link for the Bugaboo Baby Stroller Here

Have a great Tuesday!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Cerebral Palsy Topics

I haven't written about this topic in awhile, alot of things have been floating around in my head. I am getting considerable hits from several search engines on this topic and feel a responsibility to provide information that I have acquired.

So Look for folks next week a series of posts on Cerebral Palsy, I'm thinking the topics will most likely be:

Coping with Diagnosis
Treatment and decision making
Our marriage and having a child with Cerebral Palsy
The future
how others see us

And of course..... buggies I've been doing some more research.

All my Canadians have a great thanksgiving weekend and enjoy this fabulous weather.
To all my American friends Y'all keep going - 6 weeks till Thanksgiving for you.

Till Tuesday!

Thursday, October 9, 2008


I am having one of "those" days. I keep thinking today is Friday and then I am totally bummed that it is Thursday and I still have to keep going.

So excited tonight to have a "CROP" with my buddies. We haven't gotten together for 6 weeks but it seems like forever. I miss them. We should have lots to catch up about tonight.

Baby B is doing awesome and he is soooooooo cute. It is making me ache for another little one, but at 36 I don't know if my body and mind can handle it.

Just a short post today. Longer post tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Hello busy Tuesday

I am starting to feel like a hamster on a treadmill. This virus illness is really getting to me. I can't seem to get anything done. I'm doing the "right" thing by going to bed early and getting as much sleep as possible. The TO DO list just keeps getting bigger. I rely heavily on the 8:45 to 10pm time slot to get some shit done around our home.

Today I am working until 1:30
2pm physiotherapy for The Bug
3:30 meeting with Extend-a-family to apply for therapy aide funding
5pm set up for school BBQ
5:30 pm School BBQ - book fair, treasure hunt etc.
7:30 meet a friend for scrap supply swap

Crazy day! I also have to get stamps because I have some bills and forms to send out ASAP.

This is alway part of October, just when you think you should be in a schedule of some kind you're not and you're mad at yourself.

We have baby button's birthday this weekend plus thanksgiving so hopefully after that things will settle down alittle and we will be in a more established routine.

Anyone else feeling the same way!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Friday Post - I'm ill'in - But I have good news!

After the oh so fun bout with Tonsillitis. I am happy to announce that I have a wonderful sinus cold and I'm lubbin it! Work is so busy I can't really take any time off. I am looking forward to a quiet weekend to recoup.

So. Grab a cup oh joe and catch up with me.

My sister went into labour on Monday (my brief day of wellness, thanks fate)and had her baby on Monday night (two weeks early) 1/2 hour of hard labour and 3 pushes (what a bitch)she knows it she owns it and she flips the rest of us off.

So I have a beautiful, no handsome new nephew who was 6lbs, 10oz and he is positively adorable. I wish I could tell you his name but I don't have permission so I will call him Baby B. Not to be confused with my niece Baby Button.

My grandfather is doing extremely well recovering from his triple by-pass surgery, he has experienced a few panic attacks which where scary for him but not life threatening. I would panic too if a doc was holding my heart in his hands and picking and poking at it.

I found these beauties that have solved my problem of Labeling all of the things BugaLoo has to take to school, equipment, lunch containers, hats, sweaters and stuff. I love them! Canadian company to boot.

Held a scrapbooking intro class for a group of parents at my children's treatment centre. It was so fulfilling to be able to introduce these parents to memory keeping and documenting their child's lives and their own thoughts as they work through parenting a child with special needs. Loved IT!

Gearing up for a workshop in October and teaching a session on Christmas cards and tags! Sweet.

Both hubby and I have this cold so far the kids are doing well. The thing I hate the most is no kissing my hubby. We have declared abstinence for a week period to see if we can stop passing this back and forth and clear our house. But I miss him! Sigh!

I still have people search for Buggy info so I am going to post THIS again since it kinda got lost at the bottom of a previous post.

If you are looking for some art inspiration HERE at KAL's is my favorite place to go.

Also planning a book review for Monday or Tuesday. check back to find out who.