Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I peed on a stick.....

See what happened...

FOCUS - A Balanced Lifestyle

Friday, December 4, 2009

Why oh Why?

It's just one of THOSE days.

A Balanced Lifestyle

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Still not feeling the best.

Summary on abalancedlifestyle.blogspot.com

Friday, November 6, 2009


We have been ill. We manged to contract some kind of flu. I don't think it is H1N1 because it was not a severe fever like flu with throwing up and diarreha. Just a coughing, congested, my whole body hurts like there is no tomorrow kinda flu.

We have been basically quarantined in the house for the past 7 days. oy!

My poor husband doesn't know what to do he is torn between taking care of us and wanted to get as far away from us as possible so he doesn't catch it. I think he has done well. he says he's not 100% but I think that's just because he was so worried about getting sick. You know men are like that. They can manufacture symptoms out of thin air to suit their circumstances.

So the girl had it first and she is now boogeying her butt to backyardigans, I had it second and I think I might be able to tackle the mountain of laundry waiting for me. They boy however was the last to get it and I'm sure still has one more day of feeling crappy and coughing his insides out to go before he will feel better. Although today he was lucky not to wake up with a headache so maybe he will make a faster recovery.

it was a week of lots of t.v., blankets, chicken noodle soup, and crabbiness. Lots of unfinished craft projects as we just ran out of energy half way through.

But today it is crisp and cold we had a little dusting of snow and the sun is shining brightly, so we will bundle up and try to get out for a half hour or so.

Hoping to give the boy a hot steamy bath to help loosen his congestion.

I also have to make it out to Michaels at some point this weekend as we are almost out of PAINT and this is not a good place to be in my creative household.

Take care everyone and do what you can to avoid the flu this season. this was by far not the worst case scenario but it was not walk in the park either.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Green School Lunches

Taking about Green school lunches and how to get started over here at A Balanced Lifestyle.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

An email and I cried.

I can't remember if I mentioned it here or not and I can't be bothered to look for it right now.

At the end of August we said goodbye to the boy's Physiotherapist. She had been our therapist for a little over a year, probably one the the longest terms we have had with a physio as we have experienced alot of turn over due to maternity leaves, leaving for husbands, jobs, transitioning to a school age program and worse lay-offs and service cuts.

She was with us this year as were prepared for and experienced a new school year and a major surgery. She was there for us as we rehabbed from this surgery and helped the boy get to a place where he could see that he had more ability than before the surgery. Not easy for a kid who was in full leg casts and a wheelchair for 8 weeks.

She is from the east coast and came here to go to school and ended up getting a job here so she stayed a few more years.

This year however, as she traveled home for several family events and a wedding, she became a little withdrawn. Never with the children, but as an observer I could tell something was off. Without being nosey I assumed maybe a break up with a boyfriend or other relationship or work matters. I never asked.

But by the end of the summer she sat in a annual review meeting and told us that she would be done at the end of August and she was moving back home. I was very upset to say the least. She has been a total blessing to us, she is able to get the best work from my son, he adores her, she is straightforward with me and provides me with any and all information I request from her.

On the other hand I put myself in her shoes and realized how lonely she must be here and how if I live on the coast by the ocean, I'm sure I would only yearn to be back there. Hell I have lived in my region(never more than 15 mins from where I was born) my WHOLE life. I can only imagine her homesickness. So with a brave face for my son and for her I smiled and said how happy I was for her. When on the inside I was grieving.

Fast forward to today when I received an email from her where I could literally feel her happiness with each word she wrote. I won't lie I cried like a baby because I still miss her so much. I think I am fearful that the boy won't do as well or that I will do something wrong without her guidance. Probably because she helped us through an emotional decision (major surgery) and the surgery and rehab was also such an emotional and exhausting time for our family. Maybe that's why I get so emotional. Can you tell I'm emotional? (over use of the word)

We still have no replacement Physio and have been on our own for the last 4 weeks trying to muddle through and create our own treatment program and workout schedule and trying not to FUCK up all the progress that she/we made this summer.

I feel overwhelmed and exhausted that this is my problem but then I shouldn't because hey he is my kid and his success is in direct proportion to what I put into raising him. So with that I suck it up and smile.

I sent her back a great update email with all that the boy is doing and being and accomplishing.

And then I cried again. I miss her so much!

Perhaps, it is the strong fear that brings up the emotions

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Positive Habit

Just did a post on A Balanced Lifestyle that I thought might be helpful.

For those of us who are overwhelmed, worn out, stressed and feeling out of control.

This positive habit is not for everyone as I know some of you are already getting up at the "crack of the vampires have not gone to sleep yet", but others may find a way to adapt to their own reality and make it work for them.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Biting is not tolerated!

oh my quite the weekend here. My hubby is away on a golf trip with his brothers, they started doing it a few years ago and it has been really good for them so I have no problem with them doing a weekend every year.

My problem comes when my children decide to become possessed with the devil and be a total freaking disaster while I am on my own. Seriously.

It all started out so well Friday bedtime went off with no problems (they were beat from school and activities). Saturday, little angels ate their breakfast, helped with laundry and dishes, we went to the girl's first dance class EVER and we had excellent behaviour and even when we went to the dance store after to acquire some tap shoes things were going so good. A quick stop for lunch at nonnas, then we were off to the dollar store for a few things and a toy each because of such good behaviour, then finally the grocery store where they were again so delightful and helpful I was so proud.

Cut to getting home and all hell breaks lose, the portal to hell(apparently my living room) open up and there was fighting, kicking, screaming, no sharing, and then it happened, while I was hiding away in the boys room putting away laundry I heard it...something like a struggle, some grunting some pushing and then the great cry rang out through the house. I ignored it for a minute but then it got louder and had a more "hurt" tone to it.

What is going on here? I say innocently figuring the girl just got a misplaced hand to the eye.
He said, The girl took my dollor store toy and wouldn't give it back.
I said, so what did you do?
He said, I bit her.
I said, Mr. Full Name of child, THAT IS WRONG! Go sit on the stairs until I tell you to move.

I check out the girl and the welt on her back is already rising. I grab some ice and give her some loving. I look at him and tell him I just don't know what to say.

He starts to cry that she took the toy and wouldn\t give it back.

NOTE: I have them on a sitcker chart for things like cleaning up, being polite, sharing, brushing their teeth, etc.

I confirmed that the girl did infact take the toy, thus explaining why I had heard naa, naa, naa, naa, naa shortly before the crying and screaming.

The end result:

Biting is not tolerated it is violent and it hurts people, sometimes bad enough that they have to go to the doctor ( the boy understands doctors). Taking toys away is not tolerated, this hurst peoples feeling and is not how we act.

The punishment:

No sharing sitcker, how hurray sticker for having a great day, no cookies at dinner time and you have to tell your nonna and nonno why you may not have any cookies at dinner time (we were going there for dinner). No wii and no t.v. tonight after dinner.

Swift and memorable. Did not want them to worry all weekend until their dad came home. But they will have to tell dad about the absence of stickers on their Saturday line on the chart.

Over all I'd say I handled it well. I really did not know what to do. I was so shocked.

What have you done. In this situation??

Friday, September 18, 2009

Something new

It has been a crazy month here. Yes the living room is mildly put back together. We were able to get ready for School, Nursery school, Beavers, Dance Class, wow!

I got away with the hubby for some motorcycle riding and unwinding with friends.

But really exciting RIGHT NOW is something else that I am really proud of. A Blog that focuses on the quest for A Balanced Lifestyle.

Check it out if your interested in A Balanced Lifestyle

Love to hear your feedback

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Superior Wife Syndrome

I don't know if I am comforted or completely disturbed by this article.


Your thoughts??

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

shh! I know I am neglecting you.....

Things are almost back to normal around here, our flooring is finally going in today! Yippee we are eating out tonight for the last time in quite awhile as I have gained about 10 pounds having my life in total upheaval for the past 6 weeks.

Our house has been turned up side down, I have had a birthday, and we have had our 6th anniversary (yeah) I have seen Harry Potter finally and we have started our back to school shopping for the kiddos.

Crazy times. I hope to blog a little more on dealing with all this change and my plans for a revamp of my lifestyle to "fix" all the things I let slide during this period of living out of suit cases and having a COUCH in my kitchen.

Hope everyone is well.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Week 4 and Panic has set in

I could have called this post 2 minutes because you know what??? That is all I have for this post and I'm sure by writing it, I will be two minutes late or 2 dollars short somewhere else today but oh well.

I have been calling this the Go with the Flow Summer of 2009! Really, I have been saying it to my babysitters (all 10 of them)that have been covering various days, shifts, and whatnot.

The drywall guy will hopefully be done today. and we are painting tomorrow and hopefully we will be sleeping in our own home in our own beds tomorrow nite. which is good because Nonno and Nonna will be home tomorrow nite! YIKES.

We will still not have any carpet or trim for another week or two but we are fine with that as long as we can vaccuum up the drywall dust and sleep in our own beds we will be happy.

I will get on the carpet thing this weekend since we changed our wall color I need to pick different carpet!

It will be so nice to sleep in my own bed again I can hardly wait!

Lots of washing and cleaning and grocery shopping for me tomorrow to prepare the house for Nonno and Nonna's homecoming.

I'm arranged an extra week of babysitting so they don't have to jump right back, but I will be so happy when things get back into a new routine around here and I gain some of my sanity back.

Also, in the middle of prep for the launch of a new BLOG! stay tuned we are almost ready. It will be fun, informative, positive, straight forward maybe even a little crazy sometimes. But that's just the was we roll!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Living Room Reno - Week 2

So I started this post earlier today with the intent to tell you all the annoying/charming little things about living at my in-laws. Like the dryer to rival Minivan mom's. It takes literally 3 hours to dry 10 pairs of childrens' size 3 underwear and socks...honestly.

or I could tell you about the wicked awful sore throat and yucky feelingness that I have been experiencing for the last three days.

But really all I can tell you about it how my baby girl is really having a tough time sleeping in this house( i don't blame her) it is hot as balls in this house.

I think she is getting too hot in her room (she is sharing with her brother)and comes to sleep with me because its cooler. Ever morning about 3am she slips into bed beside me.

Tonight it is really hot and she just showed up at the door, she stayed for a half hour or so just enough to cool down and then went back to her room because the typing and reading light was bothering her (mean mommy) I'm sure she will be back in a few hours and I can hardly wait. It's not behaviour I want to encourage at all because it will take forever to undo it. But I have to admit I am savoring every last second that she sneaks in and lies beside me. I love it.

hubby has been sleeping a few nights here in the awful bed. a DOUBLE and a few nights at home in our glorious 3 month old Queen bed of awesomeness. I seriously better get a few weekends of sleeping in after this is all done.

We are on track so far to have drywall up this week and paint and carpet done next week which should have us moving back into our own house 2 days before the in-laws get home.

We may not have all the furniture bought yet but who cares I can sleep in my own bed again. thanks be to all that is good and holy!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Chaos for good instead of Evil

So our windows were delivered, late last week. Our contractor dude dropped over to measure them to make sure they were ok. He said he would likely be back on Tues or Thursday to with a crew to install them. that was great as we still need a few days to clear out the rest of the furniture, take down a wall and take apart the entertainment centre and cover everything else in plastic

Then he called on Friday night to let us know they would be here at 8AM on Monday. AWESOME (not)

So we worked like crazy people all weekend hubby on the taking things apoart me on the packing and moving our kids to the inlaws (since they are away in italy) for god knows how long. As the weekend wore on my husband became more crazed to ripp down the wall and I kept trying to slow him down saying we have to get everything out and protected first.

I finally gave him the go ahead to start ripping down our rain damaged mouldy drywall and he was done in 45 mins. Demon man has the nerve to say to me well I got everything done that I wanted to get done! Fuck you charlie! You just made me pack up the most used room in our house in less than 24 hours cursing the hole time about how you'll never get it all done and your are done in 45 mins. You are not my shining start at this moment.

However, fast forward to today and I have 2 new beautiful windows in my living room that is ready to be drywalled and I just have to pick out paint colors. In a bout 2 more weeks I will be a happy camper. new carpet, new color, a few pieces of new furniture (hopefully if we don't go too far over budget) Yippee.

Crazy is definately worth cosy comfort.


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Crazy Summer brewing

So we are 10 minus 10 and counting on my in-laws leaving for Italy this summer. This means I have had to get creative with my childcare for the summer. I think I have managed to cover off each day with a combination of my vacation days, my neice, my parents, my grandparents and my brother in law. The therapy aide that comes in for the boy has also offered to help our bless her.

On top of that we are ripping apart our living room due to water damage to the side wall and the ceiling. We decided to take on this project because we would be able to move in to the in-laws were gone and then I don't have to raise two little kids in a BIG mess. Complicate that by the fact that my brother in law had to sell his house (due to divorce) and does not get possession of his new house until the end of August. Yep Check that I will be living with 2 men this summer. Yippee for me.

So we are packing for an annual weekend away with friends, but it is increasingly feeling like we are running out of time to get everything ready for the inlaws to leave. We have been moving boxes as some of my BIL stuff went to storage and some of it came to my inlaws, trying to co-ordinate luggage and space for my MIL to start packing all while trying to keep up with our regular days.

I'm hoping we can keep most things on time and ticking along. And hopefully at the end of it we will have a nice new living room and a healthier home. We have a sneaking feeling that there is mold behind the wall and maybe in the ceiling that has been causing some health issues around here.

It's going to be crazy busy but it will all be worth it. Please try to understand if I don't return phone calls of emails right away.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Rainy day!

What a bummer we were really looking forward to a day outside. So instead we will be baking some cookies and maybe cleaning out the toy cave AKA the basement. We'll see maybe it will turn into a productive day anyway.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Well that was FUN - Not!

Oh My that was the worst 24 hours of my life.

I thought I was just tired yesterday morning, but I dragged my ass to work anyway. about 10am I started feeling real yucky and spent a little time in the bathroom, well two different bathrooms because I didn't think I should turn our main bathroom into a toxic waste dump. I waited until I had a break and then made a run for our bathroom in the basement floor which "services" less people.

By 11 I had my head on my desk and thought I better head for home while I still could. I got home and went to bed till about 3:30 without even knowing what happened. I thought maybe a shower would make me feel better since my body hurt all over. I was VERY VERY WRONG. That 3-4 minute shower was the worst thing that ever happened to me. It felt like ever pellet of water was making me want to hurl. Excrutiating.

Back to bed and then kids and hubby came in about 6:30 I woke up and had a freezie. nectar of the gods that gave me enough of a sugar rush to drink some gatorade which made me feel expontially better. Just in time.

Right on cue. My precious little three year old has a nose bleed which as I was cleaning her up cause her to start vomiting profusely all over me, her bed her pillow, everywhere.

After a full on room change and clean up. I was exhausted and went straight back to bed and hubby picked up the slack with the boy and getting him off to bed.

What a night. This morning we are just kinda taking it easy watching ALOT of TV and sipping our water juice gatorade and haveing some dry toast.

Hubby had to go help BIL move and I am on my own today. the boy has a birthday party at 2 so I will be taking him bowling with his buddies. Thankfully MIL is available to look after the girl this afternoon making my life way easier.

thankfully this is supposed to only last 24-48 hours. I should be tip top tomorrow for my day of rest. Oh wait maybe I will have to go to work to make up for the day that I lost on Friday...we'll see.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Oh my god I do not want to study tonight. So far I have twittered and tweeted and checked all my usual blogs. I know that one of my favs is whirling from a big move this weekend and trying to sign off on the sale of their previous home.

Another fav is recovering from what must have been a hellish evening playing field hockey in some really HOT weather

Ack! my hubby just walked in. CAUGHT procrastinating. I must go know that the warden is back to watch over me so I get my studying done.


Monday, June 15, 2009

A compliment or a comment - you decide

So I am home. I survived the 5 hour drive the intense 10 hour a day course for 4 days and the 4 hour exam on Friday (with no pee break, the 5 hour drive back home.

My house was a shambles when I got there but everything else was relatively okay.

I had to grocery shop right away since there was no food left even though I told my hubby that my preparation last thursday would not last and he would have to shop before I came home. He decided to stretch it all to the limit and eat at his mom's for 2 days. Asshat!

I took the kids shopping yesterday because today is Daddy's 40 birthday and I thought I should try to pull something special together to honor the day. I have 25 people showing up tonight after work to go for a quick ride on the motorcycles and out for dinner.

So last night as we are lying in bed my husband says "Thing sure are more relaxed when you are here" "thing run more smoothly"

I did not reply because that probably would have gone something like this.

"no SHIT Sherlock, in order for things to go smoothly you actually have to plan ahead and execute DUMBASS!"

So I laid quietly in bed giggle at the prospect of cutting holes in all his underwear and socks.

The End.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

10-10-10 By Suzy Welch - A review of sorts

So I will admit this at the outset. I picked up this book because at my local Chapters store it was on the shelf that had HEATHER's Picks on it. The book is 10-10-10 by Suzy Welch

The basic premise of the book is how to guide decision making in your life by looking at how your choice will affect the next 10 minutes of your life, 10 months and 10 years.

For example I am procrastinating exercising to write this blog post. For the next 10 minutes I will be happy that I am sitting in my comfy chair and I have one more post off my chest that I have been meaning to write for the past two weeks. However, upon closer examination if I don't start exercising tonight how will I look and feel in the next 10 months especially if I make the same excuse every night. Well I will feel like crap and likely look like I am 5 months pregnant when I am not and that will SUCK! 10 years from now. My sedentary choices will probably have taken hold and I will have heart disease, diabetes or high blood pressure. hhmmmmm.

This may be a little over the top but you get my drift. Now speaking of over the top. Although the book is peppered with some great stories and examples of how this decision making process has worked for other and how it can work for you. I cannot help but wish she had written it from a more Woman, Mom, Wife place instead of a journalist, scientist, harvard business review place.

I mean I have an outstanding vocabulary and I had to have a dictionary handy on more then one occasion. Who uses the word "insouciance" okay, please, tell me... No, I mean it, leave me a comment and tell me if you knew what it meant or had to go look it up like me.

Not a bad book, definitely a quick read, the concept is sound and can be used for just about any decision. bigger decision require a little more work on your values but she goes through that as well. I was pleasantly surprised with the results when i put the concept in to practice. Back to the book, don't pay full price for it. Look for it at the library or used book store. that's where my copy will be. I take that back, if anyone wants to give this baby a try, leave me a comment and I'll send you my copy it might be just what you need.

Let me know!


Freedom... Coming Soon

Well it seems like most of my blogging friends are taking a break, which means I should pick up the ball because I have been on a blogging break for a week or two already.

One Friend is anxiously awaiting the end of school so she can get on with her life and move to a new city!

Another is taking a step back and looking at her life with new eyes so she can get revved up about her awesome life again.

And me well I am just hanging out here with a boy in two casts who is about to burst at the seems with excitement that they are coming off on Tuesday and he will be able to move his ankles again.

We have been marking off the days on a calendar since he has been in casts for basically 7 weeks. The other night he said the cutest most innocent thing. "Mom, Will I be able to stand when I get my casts off? How will that work??"

The truth of it is that it will be really hard for awhile but with hard work and time he will be able to stand pretty well I imagine.

I never realized how tight his tendons were and how they were effecting his posture until he stood up straight for the first time. The kid had grown almost 3 inches if not a bit more. Amazing.

I'll try to keep up the posting in the next little while so my other entertaining friends can tend to their families and themselves and take a bloggie break.

Till tomorrow.

Monday, May 11, 2009

A funny little story... me and my motorcycle

As you may be aware they past month has not been easy on our family. However, we have perserved to meet our obligations to family, friends and work. Some had to be cancelled ie scrapbooking with my mom's group and co-workers, a charity 5k run and speaking engagement for me and the boy, Dad had to miss a few days of work to help me out when I was just completely overwhelmed and not getting much sleep and the poor girl had to deal with being shuffled around all over the place.

Some obligations could not be cancelled due to policies and amount of money invested. Case in point Motorcycle training course with my Aunt Chopper and it cost me $420.00 for course $17.50 to write my M1 beginners, 15.99 for training manual, $65.00 for pair of leather gloves, $147.00 for new DOT approved helmut and miscellaneous lunch, coffee and snacks. Friday Night, All day Saturday and All day Sunday. Hilarity and sheer grit ensued.

First night is training videos and going over some of the questions that will most likely be on the written test. I really can't recall what went on from 7-10pm because in case you didn't read the beginning of the last paragraph i was EXHAUSTED. they gave us some little booklet and a couple of sheets of paper and I shoved them in my bag. Got home made some cupcakes that are required for a Mother's day dinner that I will not see and left instructions with hubby about how to go about having the kids decorate them. Still no grocery shopping, start scrounging in cupboards for lunch items because I am informed that lunch breaks are actually part of the in class training time. Hubby offers me a beer which I drink because I am a little keyed up now that I know I am literally hours away from driving a motorcycle. Oh and did I mention that at about 9pm it has started to rain and the weather forcast says all day rain for tomorrow. YIP E Fucking EEE!

Saturday... darling little munchkins awake at 5AM for miscellaneous foolery like being cold, needing blankets and having to pee. Don't really get any extra sleep before I give up and get out of bed for good at 6:15 AM. Finish packing up massive lunch, pack RAINSUIT and rest of my gear. Auntie picks me up with fear and excitement in her eyes, I just need a frickin coffee.

Get to course we are second last ones in our seats... who are all these keeners...they obviously don't have children. 5mins we are suited up and out to the bikes....what no kiss first??? Find a bike find neutral and start pushing.

First exercise is to push a partner on the bike to get the feel for balance. Chubby girl dumps bike while trying to make a turn. this is not looking good. I decide to push Auntie first. Pushing Auntie on bike in full rainsuit is like running 5k this sucks! Time for Auntie to push me! I don't think I can do this..... Auntie just pushes me anyway and tells me not to be a sissy. I am trembling but I survive.

Now we have to start the bikes... Is this guy insane didn't he see me trembling I am clearly not ready for this. Oh yes I am. Just keep the clutch in and nothing bad can happen. My clutch hand HURTS ALOT!

It starts to rain, because hey why the hell not. I have paid good money to come out here to learn to ride a motorcycle and I want to be prepared for anything.

We rode in pouring rain, hail, 45 kph winds. About 4pm on Saturday I just pull my bike over to the curb, turn it off, sit down on the curb and cry. When all the instructors rush over to see what is wrong I scream I am FUCKING tired you idiots! We ride until 5:30pm and watch a few more videos.

On the way home we discuss how tired we are and how tomorrow is really going to suck but HEY the weather is supposed to be better tomorrow just a little colder. Note to self: pack turtle neck and extra sweater.

I get home and hubby has taken kids out for dinner, I have a glorious hot shower and proceed to smother my body with A535 and a special Arnica gel my massage therapist gave me. Now I think I smell worse. I take an Advil and wait for it to kick in. We put the kids to bed and hubby says " you better go to...full day tomorrow" Whaaaaaaa!

Sunday I wake up and take a quick inventory ooooouuuucccchhhhh! I don't think it hurts to open my LEFT EYE but that is about it. Every muscle, joint and skin cell is shrieking!

I roll out of bed and start to get ready. Drink my coffee and ignore the regular morning chaos of our house because I know if I lose focus, determination for one second the motivation will leave me and I will curl up in the fetal position and not move for a week.

Auntie picks me up and she looks like how I feel, we don't discuss anything on the way to school, we silently doubt our coping skills and ponder how we will make it through the day.

More riding, but it seems to go better to day, more challenges but feeling alittle more confident. Classroom session The written test - that I did not study for because my body required SLEEP. Write test botch about 3 questions that I knew the answer to. Luckily did not affect my results. We Pass. Thank you Jesus, Budha, Confusious, and all the saints.

Now out for more riding and this is where the funny shit starts happening. We have to do a passenger ride. Auntie just about implodes and she has no interest in this. I have frankly come to the point where I don't care anymore and I'm willing to try anything. I travel as a passenger first since I travel as a passenger all the time and I'm good at it. Besides I could use more of a break. It is a weird feeling and we make it through our obstacle course with more than a few chuckles. Now it's my turn to drive and she will NOT get on the bike. WHAT!
Me: Get on the bike
Her: Not sure if I can
Me: What do you mean? Get on the bike?
Her: This doesn't feel safe? Are you sure?
Me: Sure I'm sure I'm not about to do anything if I don't think it's safe. GET ON THE BIKE!
Her: I don't want to.
Me: I dont' care! we are the last ones, get on the damn bike!
Her: Okay Let me see.
Me: One foot then the other and GET ON THE BIKE!
Her Okay okay! But you go home and tell your dad you killed his sister!
Me: Fine! it's okay there are 4 more of you, I'm good!
Her: Not funny!
Her: Hey this is not so bad, you're doing good, keep going, you're doing good, good balance, nice shoulder check, good gear shift.
ME: Auntie if you want to live you need to SHUT UP so I can focus and not get us hurt.

Hilarity ensued and we laughed our way through the course as I ran over a few pylons and she said we must look like dumb and dumber - two grown women riding around on a tiny little bike. It was so funny we couldn't stop laughing but I guess you had to been there to truly appreciate it. Our instructors found us quite funny as well and that is good because we were the last ones to complete the course and our entire class was laughing at us laughing. I needed that laugh just to relax.

The course was so much easier after that and then it was test time. The test was so much easier then the class course and although most of my classmates were REALLY nervous (including Auntie)they made little errors and received a few deductions. I was quite calm and aced my test with a perfect ride! SWEET!

I am now the proud owner of an GM2 licence in the province of Ontario.

Now only if I could use my arms because they are soooooooo sore I can barely butter toast or turn the ignition key in my car.


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Post Op Update

I should be cooking dinner...

Well we are at 14 days post op and tomorrow we can get him on his feet and see if he can stand in the casts. This should make the whole toileting arrangement go smoother. Not a moment too soon. My chest muscles and lower back muscles are protesting big time! Everytime I breathe it hurts. I was at the doctor last week because I thought I was have heart or lung problems, Not so much...just stop lifting heavy things. Easy for her to say she doesn't have to try to get a 5 year old in and out of bed everyday.

Even scooching him up in his chair or on the couch pulls those pecs and not in a good way.

Now that I have gained some perspective I'm hoping to be able to write a little about this experience for other families who NEED to know what they are getting into.

It sounds all wonderful when the surgeon describes the positive outcomes and that many children are able to walk really well after surgery and rehab.

But they do not do a very good job of describing just how you are going to get through 2 weeks of sheer HELL and then 3 months of rehab to get to the glorious moment of easier movement for the child. Damn Surgeons, such pricks( and ours is a female)(kinda like lady cops, take themselves very seriously)

Suffice it to say it has been an experience, pain, poop, crying and laughing.

If I ever get two minutes to myself again I will tell you about it.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Pediatric Surgery Checklist

Here are a few things that we found very helpful to pack for when we took our 5 year old with Cerebral Palsy in for surgery.

Favorite sleep toy
mini juice boxes (sometimes they don't trust what the nurses are bringing them)
own blanket
own pillow
Extra pillows to prop up parts that have been put in Casts
pull ups (they don't always have enough control)
Children's tylenol or motrin incase they refuse to take the stuff the nurse has in the syringe to squirt in their mouth
Extra towels
A bucket
Barf Bags

We took him in, in his clothes but we brought his jammies to take him home in

Do a test run on how the child will fit in the car/carseat - Very important! we had to make a last minute call to borrow my parents truck when we realized that the boy and the wheelchair would not fit in the car at the same time. Doh!

Get your rental a week ahead of time so you can test it out, the kids get used to it and you can do the dry run mentioned above. It is worth the extra money.

Take said wheelchair with you. You'll appreciate knowing how everything works and the kid will not throw a fit at yet another new thing.

Read all paperwork very carefully at the hospital - If I would not have gone through our stuff they would have only done the surgery on one side and we would have to go back again. (boo hiss)

Feel free to have the surgeon explain the procedure to you AGAIN so that you know what is going to happen.

if I think of more i will add them.

Gotta go! Patient is calling.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tendon Legthening surgery

So we are day 6 post op on the tendon legthening surgery for the boy's hamstrings and heel cords. He is pissed. he is mad he has lost mobility around the house.

Couple that with the fact that he cannot sit at a 90 degree angle yet, so we had to get creative with the toilet arrangements. Which involve a "pull up" vs a "diaper" the first time he had to do his business in the "pull up" he was so horrified. I feel sooooo bad for the little guy.

He is complaining less and less everyday which is giving me a little more time to catch up on all things internet, so I should be able to clear the back log of emails and post a little longer commentary on the surgery for those who are searching out these things.

Be back tomorrow. I still have lots of running around to do this afternoon just waiting for my Mom to come over to sit with the kids while I run out to get more pain meds, a small body pillow, cucumbers, and a well deserved massage for mummy.

Till tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I wish this was longer and witty - but its all I got .

Time for an update HOLY cow I didn't realize how much time has passed since I last posted.

Tomorrow we head to the Children's hospital to have Bugaloo's surgery done. He is having a tendon lengthening procedure done to the hamstring and achilles tendons in both legs. he will be in full leg casts for the next 6-7 weeks.

I have had to obtain a wheelchair and inform the school and bus transportation and make arrangements for therapy, time off.

We finalized the arrangements with our mortgage finally, no thanks to Scotiabank those lazy greedy bitches.

We had a momentary issue with how we were going to transport the boy on the way home since we are not sure if he will fit in his car seat with his casts on. So we have a booster, we have the car seat and we'll just play it by ear.

I'm hoping to have more time for blogging on Thursday after we are home and in popsicle and ice cream mode.

I wish this was longer and more witty, but this is all I got.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

A Good Mommy Day ( I think)

I am so grateful today is Saturday. I have been looking forward to this day for the past two weeks. A whole day to be with the kids no rush, no obligation, just us. Poor hubby has a side job to work on so he is gone this morning, but I told him I would save him some fun.

Last week, we made some "aliens" out of air drying clay so first item up today is painting them. Next a little Easter Egg decorating and after as promised over two weeks ago we will be taking a trip to the grocery store to purchase the ingredients to make a strawberry banana milkshake.

I have been a little (ALOT) out of balance lately. Things are going well at work but unfortunately that means that the rest of my life goes for SHIT. I haven't run with any consistency since Christmas and I have been eating everything in site. Which consequently means I have gained back most (ALL) the weight I had lost and yesterday when I put on my jeans - you guessed it - they were SNUG with a capital S.

Why is balance so hard?

We have so many things coming up that it's only going to get harder.
Surgery for the BugaLoo.
Renovation on our Living Room to fix a problem from a leaky roof (roof already fixed)
I am writing a licensing exam for work in June need to study 100 hours ugh!
trying to work through a few ideas for a new business venture
MIL (who is childcare) going away for 6 weeks)
Only 2 weeks of vacation left

That is why I am looking forward to today! No plans no pressure. We will go where the wind takes us. and by the way it is really windy here today!

Ya'll take care I'm off to get the paints ready to PLAY!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Coffee maker broken vs Renewing the mortgage

This we are finalizing the renewal of our mortgage. It has been an exhausting couple of weeks trying to "get it together" and decide what we are going to do. We have some renovations we would like to do so we were considering applying for a home equity line of credit secured under our mortgage.

However, our banking agent was a total schiester about it and tried to screw us over on several levels, several times. So F her. We are renewing for a 1 year term renewable in 6 months and needless to say we will be looking elsewhere. Maybe I will write a longer and more detailed post about later this week since I can finally breathe easier knowing are home is still partly ours.

If you think that was tough this Monday was WAY better then last Monday when.......

OUR COFFEEMAKER BROKE ahhhhhhhhh! The two day old microwaved coffee saved the day and possibly my sanity.

Poor hubby was instructed to not come home unless carrying a coffeemaker.

He upgraded, we now have a coffee maker with a timer! WOOT!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Heard at my dinner table this evening.

Hi mr. fork meet mr. spoon.
Arrgghh look out mr spoon.
you got forked


It took all our will power not to burst out laughing and fall off our chairs. This was from our 3 year old.

We have had a busy week or two in my household the time has zoomed by I can't beleive we are almost through March break.

We had my neice and nephew over for a sleep over on Monday, the kids were with their Nonna today and their Neena tomorrow and then they will be with their Dad all weekend as I go over to a girlfriends for the weekend. Scrapbooking fun!!!

I have to start packing I don't even know what to bring. I think I might just bring my computer and get my two digital storybooks done.

I still have to download they last two content disks I bought as well as a few designs you can find on www.creativememories.com

My hubby got something in his eye tonight on the way home from work which is totally bogus since he was still where his safety glasses on the ride home. So he is resting and I am on pajama duty tonight.

And it is almost 7 and I am using my blog to procrasinate from starting to clean up my scrap room and pack for the weekend.

I had better get going or it will be an extremely long night for me. Boo Yah!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

So Pissy!

I guess I have been in a funk for the past week or so. I am just pissy.

Partly I got my period and well that makes anyone pissy.

Mainly because I did not get dream job! boo.

Did receive special recognition for great job I did coordinating event at current job so that was nice.

just wish I could catch a break. I guess I really need to sit with myself and figure out what I really want.

Baaah Who has time to do that.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Monday - here we go again

Funny I seem to have a new song stuck in my head. I really love the rhythem and beat of the song. I must look hilarious singing and dancing along to it but for now I love it. At least I would laugh if I saw a 30 something white mother of 2 little ankle biters, shaking her booty to You spin me round - by Flow rider. Seriously.

But I choose to believe it's karma right now. Ever time I feel like totally losing it over all the "stuff" going on in my life right now, some how this song finds me and I can't help but get a great big smile on my face and start dancing around.

I heard this song on my way to my 2 hour job interview, I heard this song on my weekend away and just now tonight while I was sitting here feeling sorry for myself because I have too many balls in the air right now you guessed it - my song on an episode of CSI Miami no less. (of course one of the episodes with p.diddy)

I was coming here tonight to whine and complain again about all the crap going on around here, not here... with me. I am all over the place right now. Trying to do a good job at work, trying to get a new job, trying to be a goode Mom, good wife. I've almost thrown good friend out the window because hey who has time for that!

I have a girls weekend coming up after march break and I am so looking forward to it. I haven't seen most of these gals since before Christmas, that's just friggin crazy.

I feel over committed, I wish I could say I feel under appreciated but the truth is I really feel like I haven't done much to be appreciated for. I feel like my efforts are mediocre, hovering just below the surface of good enough. Definately not noticeable definately not the level or results I am used to performing at.

Mediocre that's how I am feeling. boo I DONT LIKE IT.

So it's time to kick some ass and take some names. i am sick of feeling this worn out worn down and sucky.

Step One: Schedule hair cut and highlights and purchase new outfit. Doesn't have to be expensive just new, Something to shake me loose.

Thanks for listening.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Can I get off this ride?

What an incredibly busy few weeks, when I first reviewed my calendar for the last few weeks it didn't seem so bad, a few nights out, a few nights in the only issue was two weekends away back to back.

then it all went to hell. the kids had the flu, more work obligations, hubby not feeling well.

My house is a disaster and I have exactly two hours to restore some semblance of order before I leave for an overnight conference in Toronto.

I am still hoping to get a call back for a second round of interviews for a really great job for me.

My first round I kinda winged it and I had some pretty good answers and some mediocre answers so I picked up a few books on interviewing and hope that if I get a call back I will be more polished, confident and better prepared for this next round.

I'm sure they will call today after I have left for the weekend which means I won't know until I get back tomorrow night after dinner. ahhhh!

It's raining here today which stinks because it's still a little chilly and I wanted to straighten my hair which does not do well with the damp weather.


Alright now I only have 1 and 1/2 hours to get my shit together so I had better get gone!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Vacation Day - I think not

More like a running around like a chicken with my head cut off day. Doctors appointment for me, so ihad to run the kids out to my parents house. Which is normally fine but since the kids have been sick A they don't want to get out of their pjs and B they don't want to get up in the morning. I was almost late for my appointment.

I am on pins and needles waiting for results from A my job interview and B my tests I had done at the doctors today. The last test I had did not have a proper sample so I don't even know if I have anything to be concerned about or not.

Which for anyone who knows me...means that in the back of my mind I am concerned that their may be an issue. next the doc telss me it could be 3-4 weeks before we will ahve the results back. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I am likely to go insane. Besides the answer to these test may help determine my life's course.

Not unlike the outcome of this job interview process.

Either way here I am trying to psych myself up to keep on keeping on as if things are normal? ugh!

The kids are mostly better just crabby from lack of doing anything fun for the past few weeks. I am away for work this weekend so they will have to wait for Sunday for anything fun to happen around here.

Speaking of crabby, one crabby girl just jumped into my arms and is demanding my attention.

Gotta Go - Wish you well

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Being a Working Mom sucks Part 4

I've given up all pretenses of normalcy at this point. In theory my life is totally awsome the husband the kids the house the job, it's all good.

But in reality this week I am pulling my hair out. The FLU has visited our home again, not the achy I feel crappy flu, moaning and graoning crabby kid flu. NO oh no....We are experiencing the full blown 104 degree flu accompanied by delusions and projectile vomiting.

I have spent more time on the phone with my MIL (who is looking after the kids) while I put on the facade that I am working.

On top of that I had a job interview this morning for dream job #2 and one the the interview questions was "What do you consider you greatest accomplishment?"

WTF! I have cleaned 3 sets of sheets from projectile vomiting, I have had count'em 2 and 3 quarters hours sleep in the last two days, I am showered, well dressed and sitting here in front of you providing relatively coherent answers to your 2 hour interview. That is a goddamned feat of serious proportions and at this point in time my crowning achievement and definition of success in my lifetime.

WHAT that's not a real answer? oh all right. how about the fact that I am still employed at the same company after 13 years two buyouts and 5 name changes is that enough of an achievement for you? thanks I'm proud too.

I still like answer #1

Hopefully this will pass. if they still have temperatures tomorrow we will be visiting the doctor just for shits and giggles and I'll try to fit that into my already really short work week.

Now I am off to bed because I am afraid if I don't get some serious sleep soon I will be just as sick as them.

Keep you fingers crossed that I get a call back for 2nd interviews, maybe then I will get a chance to be my focused super amazing self. This compnay offers a fitness grant that you can apply for to pay for fitness equipment. IE that treadmill I have had my eye on. SWEET!

This too will pass and my life can go back to being super AWESOME! Thanks

Peace out!


Friday, February 6, 2009

Back to bloggin

I would have called this Being a Working Mom SUCKS part 3 but I didn't think that was really an eyecatcher or very thought provoking.

What a crazy week around here. I was out almost every night this week for work or for other obligations. I hate it when it all packs into one week but it seems to happen every 4 months or so. I just finished watching a little tv with the hubster and now I thought I would drop a quick line to say I have had no time for y'all this week and I'm sorry. but SHIT what are you going to do.

I'm happy to let you know that my kids fought with me EVERY day to get dressed and get out of the house. Which made me feel like a frenzied, anxiety ridden crack head all week. I had a major project due at work which took ALL ( and I mean ALL)my breain power this week. (PS, project complete and approved and perfect not one change from VPs, and Managers! SWEET!) Last time I saw my hubby was Monday night because the nights I did make it home by eight he had to run out check on a job site, pick up some equipment or help out a friend.

I am also happy to report that although the above was "stressful" I DID NOT add any stress to my life this week by falling, hurting myself or locking my keys in the car which makes me eternally grateful to all that is holy and sacred in the universe because I SHIT you not I could not have dealt with another GODDAMNED thing this week. One more minor little wrench and I would have exploded it to a supernova and gone all MEDUSA all over someones ASS.

this week was my aunite's birthday so a shout out to her, Also thankful that during my crazy week I managed to send her a note in the regard and nasty joke about getting old. hee hee hee.

Now I am off to beddy as this girl is DOG ASSED TIRED.

Tomorrow after I dig out the kids and the dog from all the crap that has exploded in my house and go GROCERY shopping for GOD's sake and re-stock the pantry for my poor starving family. I intend to make a POT of COFFEE and sit down and surf the net for a few HOURS and hopefully come up with some inspiring SHIT for you folks.

Kick Ass before someone kicks yours! Peace out!


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Being a Working Mom SUCKS - Part 2

I am sitting here well past the time that I should be getting ready to go to work. Why? I know this is going to make my life miserable today if I don't get my ass in gear. But I just don't want to. I have a project that is overdue through no fault of my own, I have been waiting and waiting, remindings, asking and pleading for the information I need to complete this project. Now I have to go to the boss and I'm sure there will be a flip out because it should be done already. ANYWAY....

I would think its my strong tendency for avoiding public humiliation that is making me plant my but on the couch and write this silly little diddy instead of getting up and getting my shit together and getting to work.

I just want to play playdoeh with my kids today and read to them and see what's going on in their world. Is that so bad. But with 4 sick days and a vacation day under my belt for January alone, I would think I best get my butt to work. Ugghh!

so I better only spend another moment wallowing in this wasteland of pity and then go try to find an outfit that mildly makes me look put together and get dressed in 10 mins, wrestle the kids into something and get on the move.

Maybe if I don't look like an unfinished project no one will assume that anything is wrong.

Here's to a day that I will be glad when it's over!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Being a working mom Sucks today!

I am having one of THOSE days. My kids are sick. I am at a critical point in a project at work. I am tired from being up all night with kids who "just need someone to talk to" or just want to "cuddle" that is when they are not crapping their pants or coughing so hard they throw up.

I have done 3 set of sheets in the last 12 hours. I am tired. Tired of people coughing and sneezing on me. tired of blowing and wiping noses. tired of changing diapers and sheets. tired of pretending that I am concerned about next steps in this project when I just want to sit on the couch and cuddle my babies.

I took on this extra project because I was bored and wanted to show management that I am capable and interested in co-ordinating these projects...and I am.

It just seems like something always goes wrong at home and interferes with my plans.

I finally got my computer set up so I can link into work from home and manage my email and access docs on our server and that has helped at least for today.

I still just have this guilty feeling that someone is pissed off that I'm not at work. but the reality of it is I'm probably the only one who cares.

And honestly what is most important. My Kids! period.

So I guess I just need to get over it. anyone have some inner peace they can share with me today?

Monday, January 26, 2009

New Product - Illness B Gone

I wish!

Today the bug woke up with Laryngitis, which required some serious fancy footwork on my part. Our babysitter has not been feeling well and so I just could not send him to the sitters or when I knew he was dealing with something. School was not an option because we just got a nice note home from school saying, " For shits sake people quit sending your sick kids here" Well that's not actually what it said. I may have paraphrased a little.

However, hubby was only too happy to hear of my emergency and come to my rescue since he is stuck working outside today and it is a balmy MINUS 22 degress here in our winter wonderland. Can you say darling you saved my life.

So I have a few minutes here before he gets home and then I am off to work where I will have to put in a few extra hours tonight to off set my late start this morning.

I hate when mondays start this way!

How about you? A smooth monday or a rough monday??


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

AFOs appts and work

I feel like I am having such a hard time. I am just home early after having to take the bug to therapy and now I found out we have an appt on thursday at 11am to get his new afo's now I have to go tell work that I will need thurs am off so I can take the bug to this appt. I would ask hubby but he is home today sick and even if he is feeling better he won't be able to take the time off to take the bug to his appt. I guess I will just have to bite the bullet and ask for more time off.

I'm having trouble making up lost time as well. We have had so many weekend obligations. I guess i will just have to bit the bullet on that too and say no so I can go and make up some hours.

Bug is excited though because his new AFOs have soccer balls on them. whoo hoo!

Happy Days for my pals in the states. A whole lot of hoopla going on over there.

I truly hope there are good things to come.


Sunday, January 18, 2009

What am I worth?

The job search has happened upon me once again. A great job ad appeared in our local paper this weekend and I would be a total DUMBass (again) if I did not apply for it.

It is probably a payscale higher then the job I have now, but similar to duties I have done in the past. So the big questions is what is my salary expectation? In this case i believe more than my current wage is warranted. But how much more???

My experience has been if you do not provide a number on your inital letter... you do not get a call for an interview. So I have to come up with a number.

So I used a little program you can find called Pay Scale which you can find on Workopolis.com. So you plug in your info and the job info and it gives you a range.

In the end I gave a range that was between 25% and 75% of the Pay Scale range. the beginning of the range was just a bit higher than the average wage for this position in my city.

I hope I did not just price myself out of this job.

I am assuming they are willing to pay as they asked for 8 years experience and there is no way you are going to find too many candidates with 8 years expereince that are willing to work for peanuts. (I hope)

Please Please Please let me get a call and at least get an interview.

This job has many of the things I am looking for :
More money
more challenge
CLOSER TO HOME (major major one here)

So keep the fingers and toes crossed. I hope I hear from them before the end of the week. that would be FANTASTIC.
Do you

Friday, January 16, 2009


Yesterday, a co-worker, someone I have worked closely with in the past, someone I considered a friend, someone whose opinions and ideas I respected left our company.

We received a brief email that this person was no longer with the company and that was it. Bob's your uncle!

So I have struggled to reconcile this loss in my life. It's not like we were best friends in fact in the 6-7 years we worked together I never once contacted them in anyway other way then company email and phone number. We never once saw each other outside of a company function.

But for some reason I am sad and feel discombobulated. this is one of those uncomfortable changes in life. It's open ended, no resolution, no goodbye.

I was able to send a brief note with someone that I knew would see this person and that will be the end.

I guess I am feeling the loss of displaced friendship I had, now who will I be able to chat with and make fun of my co-workers with, let off steam with?? but it is not like we were friends in the traditional sense of the word, we shared very little personal information with each other.

I really appreciated this persons ability to think and create ideas, to bring people and ideas together, to think outside the box. I will miss the big ideas.

Strange these relationships that we build. So this is the best I can do put my best and heartfelt wishes out there and hope i hear soon of fantastic things that happening out there because this person can be such a brillant star.

Cheers my friend. It was a wild ride.


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hi It's me ... DumbAss calling.

Every other Wednesday night me and a few co-workers stay at work a little late to do some scrapbooking. It's really nice to get a chance to chat with people from other divisions and share our passion for preserving memories.

Tonight there was only 3 of us so we did our thing. chatted a little and then called in a night a little before 7pm.

tonight I put my things in the car, started the car grabbed my scraper and checked the door lock to make sure all the car doors were open. I proceeded to scrap all the bloody snow off my car and clean the headlights and tail light in preparation for the drive home.

finally I reached for the door to put the scraper in and it was stuck. CRAP it's a lot colder then I thought. I walk around to the driver's side and pull the door.

OH SHIT... yup you got it. I fucking LOCKED it. DUMBASS!

Trudge back to office. Swip Key, enter password, climb stairs. Call darling husband.

Hi it's me DUMBASS calling. Can you come and get me thanks bye. PS I love you!

Score one point for husband.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Everyday crap

Whew a whirl wind of activity this weekend, no one and I mean NO ONE sleeping in which ticked me off. Come Monday a totally different story. How could my sweet little babies have turned into full fledged wake up early on the weekends, sleep in on the school day kids. Ack!

Our house is a complete disaster. I mean a top to bottom mess. I would take pictures to post but I don't even know where to start. If you could see me I would be shaking my head.

I have managed to free up a few hours so, here's my plan, A blog post complaining about my messy house and a few loads of laundry so I can have new clean sheets on my bed.

Ready Go!


Saturday, January 10, 2009

What's on your mind?

I have so much stuff on my mind these days.

We have to renew our mortgage soon and I am constantly thinking about what type of mortgage to get, whether or not to stay with our bank, who is a pain in the arse most of the time. I never find them imensely helpful in any capacity. They telemarket twice a month to see if we are interested in critical illness insurance which we already have WITH THEM. But I have to do my own research and go to them to ask for a better rate on my credit card or account with lower fees?

So there is that.

I have to start considering our next options for the boy since he will require some type of surgical intervention in the next year or two on his hamstring and achilles tendon.

My co-op student finished her contract at work so I am on my own until May when hopefully my manager will approve hiring some more help for me this summer. I feel like there is going to be so much work to do and not enough hours to do it in.

What am I going to make for dinner the daily constant.

oops gotta go the girl is creating havoc in the sleeping house.

What's on your mind?


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Super powered hearing and other intuitive powers - A story

There is a phenomena, most of you know of I'm sure. Think back to your childhood. Saturday afternoon, your dad or grandfather was SLEEPING in the la-z-boy, watching something like Blazing Saddles AGAIN. So you quietly sneak up to the TV (before remotes were common)and turn it to the OTHER channel (because we only got two) to watch cartoons. Immeadiately your father or grandfather would awaken and declare " I was watching that". Huh?

Now if you lived in my household you would smartly quip back "how? through your eyelids?" To which the reply would be, "turn it back or else?" I think the or else was going to your room. I never tested it.

Tuesday I witnessed a similar phenomena while I was home with my sick child and the oldest was home his off day of school. the two of them would sit quietly, intently watching a movie or a cartoon show... until I picked up a book, magazine or the computer to do my own thing. The suddenly, my attention was required for a dozen seemily do or die requests, read to me, fix this, help with the puzzle. Are you kidding me. 5 minutes into this emergency activity and they were hooked on their "show" again. I re heated my coffee picked up my book and WHAM! The minions were back.

For all the is considered holy and sacred in this world and any other....

Give me a moments peace will ya!

Have you come across this phemonena in your household??


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

John Travolta Do we really need to know?

Can I just say....do we really need to know.
Thispopped up yesterday on my yahoo news.

I turned on the TV last night and there was Mark Steines from Entertainment Tonight, station in Florida, ready to provide me with the "lastest" upto the minute details of the Funeral arrangements for Jett Travolta. I felt the bile rise in my throat.

I'm in a paradox (is that a correct way to say it) on one hand if it was John Travolta's arrangements I may have a morbid curiosity that would make me look for this type of information.

But this is his CHILD, so I find myself revolted by the fact that we can't just let this family be, to grieve and handle their arrangements without press releases, statements, and decoy hearsts.

I buy the magazines (although not this year 2009 magazine free Day 7), I read the gossip blogs and watch ET. This has gone over my line I do not feel good about this.

My heart goes out to this family as it would for any other family that has lost a child. As much as you want to know information, sometimes its not for us to know and that needs to be OKAY.


New Buggy to Push

Seeing as how I was off today I decided to do one thing that would make me feel productive about my day.

I have been trying to search for a new stroller for us. Although the BugaLoo is doing fantastic with his therapy. Even though he is getting stronger and stronger and walking longer and longer. Even though he rarely uses his walker at school anymore (except on those days when it's his turn to take the attendance to the office). There are times when having a stroller for him would make his day and ours more enjoyable. Anywhere there are long distances between destinations, for example; the parking lot and the hospital where he receives his botox injections, the fairgrounds in my hometown, the museum, large all day events like picnics or when we took him to "A Day out with Thomas"

So I started looking today and I really like This Baby. Not sure how economic it will be to ship from the UK but I will check into it. I also found This which will work great and can hold a maximum of 110 lbs.

Time to get dinner started.

Work Guilt, Home Guilt it's Everywhere!

I'm home today with a sick princess peanut. she is prone to the croup, but she has had a cough for about two days now, last night a fever turned up and today she is coughing more. So I decided to stay home from work to keep an eye on it. I would be really upset if she ended up with pnuemonia because I didn't keep an eye it. Guilt number one.

Now I feel guilty for taking time off work and it's only the 6th day of the year. this is not starting off well. It's that working mom dichotomy. Doesn't matter what;s going on GUILT.

So I am going to stick with my word of the 2009 which is ONE. I can only make ONE decision at the time and I need to focus on ONE situation at a time. I have no control over anything else. I have to do what is best for my family. I just wish I had a little more confidence in my decision and alot less GUILT.

How do you handle these situations??

Saturday, January 3, 2009

What's your word.

My friend Ali see link at the side. Has this great tradition. Choosing just one word and using it to help guide you through your year.

I thought my word for 2009 was going to be simplify. it certainly describes what I need to focus on for 2009. For some reason it just wasn't sitting well. It didn't make me sigh with contentment. It didn't give me that "feeling".

Then it came to me the other night. maybe a little late for the new year but close enough.


As in One thing at a time. I need to focus on one thing at a time. I'm hoping this will help me be less scattered.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Welcome 2009 - I've been expecting you.

I hear so many people say they are happy the current year is over and they are looking forward to starting another year.

Last night at the party we were attending, I finally heard the opposite argument. At 11:45 as we were pouring champagne, My dear friend exclaimed that she wished 2008 could last a little longer, it flew by so quick. She is not looking forward, she is happy and comfortable just where she is. 2009 represents her 39th year. You know...that critical year before 40 she explained. you know.... 40 when you are supposed to have it together and be a grown up. She is just not ready!

So as everyone else cheered and welcomed in the new year. We hugged and let out a collective sigh and I agreed I would support her as she does her best to get her shit together and become a grown up. I also let her know that I would support her on those days that are sure to come... those days when you definately don't want to be a grown up.

In the end she agreed 2008 was so great 2009 would be too!

Try to be kind to yourself, make your expectations realistic, be happy where you are, knowing that all too soon it will change again. Stay flexible and take it as it comes.

I'm one of those people who always looks forward to the new year, I guess it's when I give myself the gift of forgiveness. the one time a year I let myself feel my accomplishments and forgive myself for whatever I didn't achieve.

I'm a list person so I love taking the time to write out what I want for the new year. Health, time, new black leather boots, you know.

All I know for sure is right now I am so thankful.