Sunday, January 18, 2009

What am I worth?

The job search has happened upon me once again. A great job ad appeared in our local paper this weekend and I would be a total DUMBass (again) if I did not apply for it.

It is probably a payscale higher then the job I have now, but similar to duties I have done in the past. So the big questions is what is my salary expectation? In this case i believe more than my current wage is warranted. But how much more???

My experience has been if you do not provide a number on your inital letter... you do not get a call for an interview. So I have to come up with a number.

So I used a little program you can find called Pay Scale which you can find on So you plug in your info and the job info and it gives you a range.

In the end I gave a range that was between 25% and 75% of the Pay Scale range. the beginning of the range was just a bit higher than the average wage for this position in my city.

I hope I did not just price myself out of this job.

I am assuming they are willing to pay as they asked for 8 years experience and there is no way you are going to find too many candidates with 8 years expereince that are willing to work for peanuts. (I hope)

Please Please Please let me get a call and at least get an interview.

This job has many of the things I am looking for :
More money
more challenge
CLOSER TO HOME (major major one here)

So keep the fingers and toes crossed. I hope I hear from them before the end of the week. that would be FANTASTIC.
Do you

1 comment:

jenn said...

sending vibes!!!!!!