I should be cooking dinner...
Well we are at 14 days post op and tomorrow we can get him on his feet and see if he can stand in the casts. This should make the whole toileting arrangement go smoother. Not a moment too soon. My chest muscles and lower back muscles are protesting big time! Everytime I breathe it hurts. I was at the doctor last week because I thought I was have heart or lung problems, Not so much...just stop lifting heavy things. Easy for her to say she doesn't have to try to get a 5 year old in and out of bed everyday.
Even scooching him up in his chair or on the couch pulls those pecs and not in a good way.
Now that I have gained some perspective I'm hoping to be able to write a little about this experience for other families who NEED to know what they are getting into.
It sounds all wonderful when the surgeon describes the positive outcomes and that many children are able to walk really well after surgery and rehab.
But they do not do a very good job of describing just how you are going to get through 2 weeks of sheer HELL and then 3 months of rehab to get to the glorious moment of easier movement for the child. Damn Surgeons, such pricks( and ours is a female)(kinda like lady cops, take themselves very seriously)
Suffice it to say it has been an experience, pain, poop, crying and laughing.
If I ever get two minutes to myself again I will tell you about it.
Hello Sunshine- Sizzix
1 week ago