I made up my mind. After a chat with 2 girlfriends both at opposite ends of the spectrum. I decided to try to graceful withdraw from current interview situation with possible employer.
It comes down to timing. I am not able to commit to 40 hours a week across town when so much of my life is currently at home.
Although my options for a "career" are obscenely limited where I am right now. I guess I just have to realize (as much as I hate to admit it) that the career track has to hold for a few more years while I take care of the "bidness" at home.
I can pretty much come and go as I please and my employer is really understanding. So for right now that has to be enough.
Although I have a twinge of guilt for sacrificing this right now, I know in my heart that it is the right thing to do. I suppose I haven't truly figured out what I want to be when I grow up. Coasting here for a little while longer, although seems a shame and a waste of my perfectly amazing talents, is going to be the way it is for a little while longer.
I had made a list of my perfect job awhile ago and I know I can get closer to those things on my list.
So maybe 10% of me is disappointed. 90% of me knows good things come to those who wait. (The Dutchess will roll her eyes at that remark)
Hello Sunshine- Sizzix
1 week ago
:) Hey I support you in which ever you do! :) Making the list is awesome!!! Keep focused on that list! Work towards it!!!!
I'm so proud of you for making this decision - and saying it out loud! :) I will always encourage you to push out of your comfort zone - but as far as being amazing, I think you've already accomplished that in the focus your life has right now. :))Congratulations, my friend. Jenn is right - keep that list in your mind. You'll find the right fit for you.
I think after re-reading this, I should learn to take my own advice... :) Darn it.
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