What a week we are having. And our week started on Friday. Friday we travelled to our Orthopedic Surgeon's hospital so that she could do Botox injections on the Bugaloo legs. (If your new here you can read about his CP in the CP posts)
This time our appointment was at 2:30pm which meant the Bug could each jello and drink until 10am and we did not have to leave for the hospital until 10:30am. (I'm not sure if this was better than leaving at 8:30 and trying to cram jello into him in the car until 9am). We get to the hospital (1hr 15 mins drive from our home)get registered, pick up our prescription at the pharmacy and then check in at the pedatric day surgery unit. There we (i mean the bug) is weighed, measured, blood pressured, heart and lungs checked out, we answer amillion questions and then...we WAIT. and wait some more and just when you start to get antsy, we wait some more.
Then finally one of us (this time me) gets to carry him in to the procedure room and try to calm a child that is freaking out because they are going to put a mask over his face that is going to make him go to sleep. (that's the hard part) I try telling him a story about the time I broke my arm when I was his age and had to have it fixed and they had to put a mask on my face and ..... he's not buying it. So I hold him while he crys and in seconds he falls asleep and I have to leave my little man there on the table. (It does get easy, not better, but easier)
15 mins later the doctor comes to tell us that she gave him 16 injections, he's waking up and asking for us and a pink popsicle.
We go to see him in recovery and he starts to cry. (this happens every time) We calm him and let him know he is safe. He finishes his popsicle and asks when can we go home. Soon buddy soon. About this time the hunger and thirst kick in. Apple juice, no problem. After an hour, the last set of checks, blood pressure, temp, and circulation, we are given the go ahead to leave. It is now 4:15pm and we are all starving, hubster and I had breakfast but no lunch and split a bag of chips and bottle of water in the waiting room. East Side Marios is right across from the hospital so we decide to go for it. They tell us to take it easy that heave food will make him sick after the anesthetic, but we decide to go for it!
We eat our fill and head home. What a day!
Tuesday I had to take the kids for flu shots and the Bug needed an immunization for school. The kids were soooo good. I can forgive the 3 minutes of full on chaos that ensued when the needles came out. The BUG looked right at the doctor and said,"that was horrible, just horrible". the doc tried to supress a giggle, but the bug caught her and gave her a dirty look. the peanut screamed bloody murder but who can blame her, she was second and already new what was coming.
Whoppee we're having fun now!
Today, we are going to orthotics clinic to get casted for new AFOs since the Bug had Botox and is also growing like a weed.
Today will be alot of waiting, we hope they are on time but will pack lots of snacks and activities since our appointment time is close to lunch and will probably span over the lunch hour.
thankfully this ends our medical appointments until the new year and we can look forward to celebrating the bug's birthday (24th) and Christmas.
Hoping your week is going better than mine. hang in there it's almost over.
Hello Sunshine- Sizzix
1 week ago
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