I just ate a chocolate bar, two handfuls of large pretzles, and some jube jubes. What the hell is wrong with me???
I am stressed work is sucking, some how no matter how hard I work, I just keep getting farther behind. One by one I am closing down the extra projects that were assigned to me, but my regular tasks seem to be multipling in my desk at night. I am tired. tired of the filing tired of the typing tired of feeling like every hour is sucking the very life out of me.
I know I tend to go through these cycles and I am just in a low spot right now, this always happens as I close off fun and challenging projects and I have nothing to look forward to. I know some new projects will come along but I don't know when.
Also with out going into any details my hubby managed to be a total wenker and made a situation that was about me, totally about him and did not support me in anyway. And I have to say that this is one of those situations where it was such a small thing, but his inability to see the situation from my prespective, made me feel like he does not care and does not understand me. The worst part is I know I need to talk to him about it or it will turn into a big thing. I just don't know how to talk to him without him getting totally defensive and making it about him and not about me. MEN!
At least I ran today eventhough I did not want to and I did feel better afterwards. I know I know I am only holding it at bay because I keep pigging out. I get so mad at myself.
Hoping tomorrow night I will get some scrappin in because that always makes me feel better.
Hello Sunshine- Sizzix
1 week ago
1 comment:
Men can suck (we both know that ;) ) but they are useful once in awhile too! lol Hope you got scrapping
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