This post is a perfect example of Life Balance. I realized that my blog was lacking some intellectual content. I mean I'm sure my family and a few of my friends appreciated the updates but I kept getting emails asking if I was okay because the tone, and wit of my usual communication was not coming through. I do not have time to come up with a witty intelligent post everyday. I also can't rely on photos to entertain you as previously posted I have computer issues. So I sat down to decide what I could manage, and now I am trying to make that work for me. Hence the polls that have started and the topical Friday posts. Yeah for me!
That in a nutshell is Life Balance. Decide what you want to do and then figure what part of that is manageable. ACCEPT that under perfect circumstances you would do it all and do it perfectly, but because the circumstances are less then perfect you will do what you can manage and KNOW in your heart that you have contributed in a way that makes you happy. Do I sound like Pollyanna?
Life Balance is about managing your expectations. Not lowering them! Hear me very clearly! Managing them. We all want to make contributions. Many of us have been raised with the notion that we can have it all! What "they" forgot to tell us is that we will require lots of help, have to make LOTS of sacrifices and generally question ourselves on a daily basis. Great! Where does that leave us?
For me personally what does this look like I will give you a glimpse.
-I HAVE to work (I have the heath and dental benefits)
-I stay up late on Tuesdays because that is the only creative time I have
-I run almost everyday at lunch because I only have 3-4 hours with my kids after work and that is more important than my waist line.
-I run because I need to be healthy to take care of my family
-I communicate with my friends via email because its the only way for me to maintain some type of communication on a regular basis right now (this hurts me and I'm working on it)
-Local friends I try to see once every 6 weeks (this is what I can manage right now)
-Out of town friends! (I even missed my god daughters birthdays this year and that really really SUCKS)
-My husband and I don't have date nights but we do have dinner together almost ever night and we spend a 1/2 hour together almost everynight after we get the kids to bed. This is what we do for us and yes there are some nights that I give up my creative time or Grey's Anatomy so that I can make love with my husband, because hey he's HOT and after all this time he still makes me tingly.
-I volunteer with KIDSABILITY (where the bug has therapy)
-We give one donation a year to Kidsability and turn everyone else away although I have supported other organizations who are selling something I would have purchased otherwise (ie christmas cards)
I have found that life balance for me has been about focusing on what I wanted when I started out in my twenties, (which was being a mom and having a happy marriage and being a successful person) and what that means to me each year. Trying to make that work and not get too lost in all the other images and expectations that I am bombarded with on a daily basis. There are so many things that I get interested in and want to do or participate in, but I have to ask myself if it will help our hurt my original goals of "happy family". Somethings I can make room for, somethings will only cause a temporary imbalance and will be beneficial in the long run. Somethings I just have to pass on and say no. I would have to say that these are the hardest decisions.
I don't claim to have all the answers this is what helps me. I was planning on linking a bunch of information but I am running out of time. Ahh the delicate balance. Maybe I will put this on the poll for next week.
Right now I have to go because if I don't get to work we are going to have an "IMBALANCE" if I get fired.
Have a great day! Let me know what you think?
Shannon :)
Hello Sunshine- Sizzix
1 week ago
You give up Grey's Anatomy to make love to your husband?
I'm still really working on managing my expectations. I think I have very appropriate and healthy expectations for most other people in my life (although I didn't used to), but I expect so much more from myself than I do from anyone else. Really, it's a form of narcissism.
Eh. I'm working on it.
Okay maybe "making love" was too politically correct...I'd only give up Grey's for great sex!
Ah Narcissism, it's keeps us going doesn't it?
I think I need to do a better job of managing my expectations of others. I have trouble remembering not everyone is as driven as I am.
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