This is the title of the book I chose for my Christmas gift from Hubby. Since we have done a fair job this year of eating well. Although, I have to admit that sometimes I have to catch my breath when I purchase organic green grapes! I have to say that purchasing a few more items from the organic food store has not entirely compromised my grocery budget. However, I digress.
The goal for 2008 and to take it to the next level and try to use less chemicals for cleaning in our home. So a more organic laundry detergent, good old Borax and lots and lots of vinegar. I was extremely please to be able to find an organic surface cleaner with orange oil and tea tree in it, that works just as good as my ammonia cleaner, so all is not lost.
Now, for those of you who know me this last paragraph is insanely hilarious because I am not the best housekeeper. My greatest pal in Whitby will laugh out loud because all I do is clean when I go to her house. I even have my own bottle of windex there! There is one pet peeve that I have, okay it borders on OCD. I cannot stand a spotty stainless steel tap. That's why is called stainless steel people! it is supposed to shine like a mirror. Where this compulsion came from I will never know, but I figure if that is all that is wrong with me than I can live with that. Okay moving on!
This goal for 2008 was put to heavy duty testing this weekend as Peanut proceeded to spike a fever and vomit like the scene in the exorcist all over our couch and carpet. It took two days but I am proud to say that I did not use any chemicals to clean everything up. Although it was tempting and I did go to the store and purchase one product that I know would have fixed everything up. I am proud to say that I will be able to return it and carry on my day with a eco friendly conscious.
Life would be easier if they just sold a product called Vomit Remover" or Puke Be Gone" don't you think?
How did I do it? you ask, well here is a brief run down.
STEP1 - Clean offending vomit with paper towels (okay not eco friendly and also not my job unless you want the puddle to get bigger.)
STEP 2 Saturate area with a mixture of water and vinegar about a table spoon to a litre or two of water. Give a little scrub.
STEP 3 - Soak up puddle with towel (preferrably old tattered towel not new Christmas towel, sometimes hubby does not understand these things)
Step 4 - Soak up more of puddle with towel (this time with old tattered towel and no yelling)
Step 5 - Let air dry over night.
Step 6 - sprinkle with baking soda let sit for a couple hours and vaccuum
VOILA! fixed!
Happy New Year!
Hello Sunshine- Sizzix
1 week ago